Our main lab area has both PC and MAC workstations for analysis of behavioural and fMRI data, as well as a lounge area for meetings and lunch. Data collection can be done in-person, via video-conferencing, and remotely using online databases.
We have four state-of-the-art testing rooms equipped with computers that run various software for stimulus delivery and collection of behavioural data, audio equipment to create and record narratives, image manipulation software to create novel visuo-spatial stimuli, as well as multiple statistical software programs.
We have access to Grand River Hospital’s Magnetic Resonance Imaging Suite, for collection of fMRI data. We work with technicians at Grand River Hospital to collect, store, and analyze fMRI images.
Delivery of stimuli is accomplished by Avotech goggles for visual stimuli, and headphones for auditory stimuli. We have two Lumina 2-button stimulus-response boxes.