The most exciting time of the year has come: we are receiving nominations for CS GSA positions!
This is an opportunity to get more involved with the departmental activities and get to know more about the department. By taking on any of these roles you will be a member of the CS GSA board and you will attend the monthly board meetings in which we will discuss the recent issues and plan events for our community! (More details on the responsibilities of each role below).
Typically, we would like a position to be held for a one-year period (Jan 1st to Dec 31st), but please still nominate yourself for any role that interests you if you can only make a shorter commitment, i.e., you only have 2 terms left in your studies. The time commitment for each position varies, but in general none of them should exceed 4 or 5 hours a month.
Please send us an email before Monday, November 18th11:59 PMif you are interested in becoming a candidate for any of the roles. Please include a short statement in your email, on why you would like to take on the role. If multiple people are interested in taking on a role, there will be an election to determine the outcome.
The positions are:
- Vice-President
The vice-president works closely with the president, is familiar with all positions in CS GSA and takes over any of the other board members’ responsibilities if they cannot fulfill them due to unexpected circumstances. In addition, the vice-president takes minutes at the CS GSA meetings, attends the CS council meetings and maintains the CS GSA calendar.
- Treasurer
The treasurer handles the CS GSA finances and is responsible for allocating money for social events and processing funding requests.
- Event Coordinator
The event coordinator is responsible for planning and organizing events, including contacting vendors or venues or ordering food, with respect to the budget provided for each event.
- Publicity Officer
Facilitate the advertisement and broadcasting of information about the events held by the CS GSA through social media accounts, creating, printing, and installing posters, and updating the CS GSA website and social media accounts to reflect the most updated information.
- CS representative to the GSA-University of Waterloo Council
Represent the CS graduate students and their needs on the GSA-UW council, and help maintain an open channel of communication between the CS GSA and GSA-UW council. This representative is also a member of the CS GSA board and attends the board meetings.
Please feel free to ask for clarification on the positions. Just two other quick announcements:
1) We will be voting on the constitution proposed in our AGM&S at the same time as the CS GSA elections.
2) Elections for the CS GSA President role will be next term!
We're excited to hear back from you!!!