03/16: Celebrating St. Patrick's Day safely

To: Waterloo students

From: Chris Read, Associate Provost, Students

Subject: Celebrating St. Patrick's Day safely 

Dear students, 

I hope that you are doing well as we move through the winter term. It certainly feels as though spring is in the air and the days of studying outside in the sun are not far away.  

You may be aware that in the past there has been a large street gathering in the city, coinciding with St. Patrick’s Day. These kinds of gatherings put a major strain on the City and the Region of Waterloo’s resources. 

Street parties are dangerous. They can get out of hand, and have previously resulted in students drinking too much, overdoses, assaults and general feelings of insecurity. 

The University of Waterloo does not condone these gatherings and we encourage you to find alternative ways to celebrate. Your UWaterloolife is made up of a variety of experiences. Make new friends on campus, through your classes, as part of a club, playing an intramural sport, in your research group, at a local bar or restaurant, or at a friend’s place. Build meaningful connections and friendships that will last and that you’ll cherish – don’t risk those experiences for an overcrowded street party. 

Choose your actions carefully and with an understanding of what it means to be a respectful community member. Celebrate responsibly. Watch out for your friends, your peers and yourself. Keep each other safe.  

If you see anything happen and you need immediate support, you can contact urgent help options we have available. 

Stay safe, 

Chris Read 

Associate Provost, Students