To: Graduate students at the University of Waterloo
From: Secretariat Secretariat
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Subject: Graduate Student Vacancies on Senate
Graduate Student Vacancies on Senate
February 7, 2023
The call for nominations has begun for graduate student vacancies on Senate. Two graduate students of the University are to be elected by/from the full- and part-time graduate students of the University, term 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2025.
At least five graduate student nominators are required. To be eligible to accept the nomination, the candidate must be a full or part-time graduate student*. A brief candidate statement (100 words maximum) must be submitted with the nomination form to appear with the ballot.
If you are interested, please email Diana Goncalves at to request the nomination form. Nominations close 12 noon, Tuesday 28 February 2023.
If required, elections will be held beginning Wednesday 2 March 2023, closing Wednesday 9 March 2023.
Please refer to Senate Bylaw 3 for more information about nominations and elections. Any questions relating to the above may be directed to Diana Goncalves.
*Terms are defined in the University of Waterloo Act
Office of the Secretariat