11/22: Call for expressions of interest for the Presidential Advisory Committee on Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement

To: Graduate students at the University of Waterloo

From: Vivek Goel, President and Vice-Chancellor

Date: November 22, 2024

Subject: Call for expressions of interest for the Presidential Advisory Committee on Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement

The University of Waterloo is seeking members to establish a Presidential Advisory Committee on Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement to maintain a campus culture that encourages and facilitates open and inclusive dialogue as essential elements in our academic and social experience at Waterloo. 


The Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement Task Force Report put forth the recommendation to “appoint a standing Free Expression and Inclusive Engagement Advisory Body, composed of members with relevant expertise to be available to advise the University's senior administration on free expression matters” as part of its recommendations under Culture and Climate.  

As global turmoil and the spread of misinformation and disinformation increases, so does polarization and divisiveness, which can hinder healthy and robust debate. This committee will support the University’s commitment to fostering a campus environment where freedom of expression and inclusivity can thrive.  

Faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students who have expertise in this subject matter are invited to direct questions or self-nominate to serve on the Presidential Advisory Committee by submitting a short expression of interest (no more than a paragraph) to Adrienne Dwyer (Adrienne.dwyer@uwaterloo.ca), Office of the Associate Vice-President, Faculty Planning and Policy by December 13, 2024.

The committee will consist of approximately six to eight members, with representation from faculty, staff, and students. The committee will be supported in its work by a small number of ex officio members designated by the President whose portfolios relate to the mandate of the committee.

Proposed Terms of Reference 

1. Purpose and Objectives 

The President’s Advisory Committee on Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement (“the Committee”) will serve as a standing advisory body, composed of faculty, staff, and students with relevant expertise to be available to advise the University's senior administration on free expression matters, including policy revision and development, and the various tasks and responsibilities that have been identified as part of the implementation plan resulting from the report of the Task Force on Freedom of Expression and Inclusive Engagement. 

The core objectives of the Committee are as follows: 

  • Provide advice to the President, or to such other persons or bodies as the President may direct, related to matters of freedom of expression and inclusive engagement at the University.  
  • Advise on issues related toPolicy 8: Freedom of Speech at the request of the President or designate. 
  • Form working groups to exchange information, develop strategies, and coordinate implementation of specific plans at the request of the President or designate. 
  • Provide feedback and input on significant policies, guidelines, and projects or initiatives that relate to freedom of expression and academic freedom. 

The Associate Vice-President, Faculty Planning and Policy has been designated as administrative lead of the committee and will provide secretariat support. In consultation with the Vice-President, Academic and Provost, the AVP, FPP will recommend membership in the committee to the President. Committee members will generally serve for a term of three years, with a possible extension for one further term. Student representatives will generally serve for a term of one year to accommodate academic commitments but may choose to continue for a second year if their schedule permits.  

It is expected that additional stakeholders with relevant expertise or accountabilities will work closely with the Committee and may join occasional meetings to provide input or present information, and may serve on working groups. 

2. Meetings 

The Committee shall meet as needed. Committee quorum shall be determined as fifty percent of voting Committee membership, plus one.  

3. Working Groups 

The Committee may form working groups to provide focused support for development or implementation of specific projects and actively engage stakeholders beyond the Committee members. Working groups shall each develop terms of reference and report back to the Committee at least once per year. All working groups shall have at least one member of the Committee and meet as often as required to fulfill Committee mandates.