Math: Rick Perche (Applied Mathematics)

Rick will be travelling to Austria and the Czech Republic to collaborate with Professors Caslav Brukner and Markus Aspelmeyer at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information and organize the relativistic quantum information North 2024 conference. Rick is currently a PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics and has received the prestigious Vanier scholarship for his research in relativistic quantum information (RQI) supervised by Professor Eduardo Martín-Martínez. Since the beginning of his PhD, he has authored 26 research papers in topics that relate quantum field theory, general relativity, and quantum information. Rick is excited for his three-month research trip where he will be able to make important connections that can lead to further collaborations and conferences!

Graduate Student International Experience award funds are available to University of Waterloo graduate students who participate in:

  • an academic exchange
  • a study term abroad related to research or an academic requirement
  • work, or volunteer experience in another country