Please note: Information and dates may be updated depending on further information received from Tri-agencies and resources available.
August/September 2024:
- Program details posted on tri-agency website and electronic application portal is activated.
September - November 18, 2024:
- Early September, the CGS M application becomes LIVE on the Tri-agency research portal.
- Students apply online using the agency’s electronic research portal.
- Applicants request official transcripts from all current and previous post-secondary institutions and upload electronic copies to their application.
- Deadline for students to request their Waterloo transcripts through Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) is Monday, November 18, 2024 by using the CGS M applicant transcript request web form.
December 1, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. (ET) (as the deadline falls on a Sunday, applications must be submitted before 8:00 p.m. ET on the following business day):
- Deadline for students to apply for CGS M using agency research portal.
December 2 - 9, 2024:
- GSPA saves all applications and provides copies to proposed departments for review.
December 10, 2024 – January 3, 2025:
- Departments can start to review applications for eligibility and completeness.
- GSPA prepares spreadsheets for departments and will include cumulative average where available by end of day on January 3.
January 3 - 31, 2025:
- Departments continue reviewing their applications for eligibility and completeness and complete their spreadsheets.
- Departments will email their CGS M applicants to remind them to apply for graduate admission by February 1, 2025.
February 1, 2025 (this is a Saturday and is a firm deadline):
- Deadline for students, who wish to be considered for a CGS M and who are applying to a new program at Waterloo, to submit their application for graduate admission.
February 3 - 18, 2025:
- Departments confirm whether CGS M applicants have completed an application for admission to a Waterloo graduate program admission.
- Departments conduct ranking meetings for applicants who are current Waterloo students or those who have applied for admission to a Waterloo graduate program by February 1, 2025.
- Departments save their finalized spreadsheets for GSPA use by February 18, 2025.
February 19 - 25, 2025:
- GSPA prepares university-wide spreadsheets for institutional selection committee.
February 25 – March 11, 2025:
- Institutional selection committee members review applications and department rankings.
March 11, 2025:
- Institutional selection committee members provide decisions regarding highly competitive applicants in preparation of institutional selection meetings.
March 18, 2025:
- Institutional selection committee meetings to determine CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC awardee and reversion lists.
March 18 – 31, 2025:
- GSPA to follow up with departments who have students with a pending admission decision.
- GSPA reviews the applications selected to be offered a Tri-agency award to confirm eligibility.
- Before offering awards on April 1, GSPA will confirm admission status of students to be offered a CGS-M to ensure no offers are made to students who have been denied admission or withdrew their application for admission.
April 1, 2025
- Results released to applicants (through portal)
- Results released to applicants and departments/faculties (through University)
April 21, 2025 (Sunday):
- Deadline by which students must accept the Tri-agency CGS-M offer.
April 21, 2025 - until all awards distributed:
- Following the initial acceptance deadline, based on declined awards, GSPA may make additional offers.
Return to Tri-agency CGS M website
Last updated September 5, 2024