Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday, July 22, 2019

Brandon Sweet
University Communications

Waterloo International announces Staff International Experience Fund award winners

Staff International Experience Fund banner.

Waterloo International is pleased to announce this year’s Staff International Experience Fund (SIEF) award recipients. The SIEF provides opportunities for staff members to travel to global peer institutions in order to exchange ideas and advance learnings with like-minded colleagues. It also serves as a chance to deepen Waterloo’s global relationships and forge new connections with innovative counterparts around the world.

This year’s award recipients are:

Sarah Howard and Ian Rowlands.

Sarah Howard, Graduate Student Experience Specialist (GSPA)

Sarah Howard will travel to Northern Europe to gain insight into graduate student wellbeing and support mechanisms that are currently in place at various universities, while sharing the knowledge and experience she’s cultivated in her role at Waterloo.

Chantal Vallis and Ian Rowlands.

Chantal Vallis, Communications Officer, Internationalization (SSO)

Chantal Vallis will travel to East Asia where she plans to broaden her understanding of communications strategies at some of the world’s most internationalized universities in order to enhance international programming and services at Waterloo. She also aims to gain a deeper cultural understanding of the international student population she serves at Waterloo.

Congratulations to Sarah and Chantal.

Waterloo professor wins "Elsie" aerospace award

Professor Suzanne Kearns.

The Northern Lights Aero Foundation has announced the 2019 winners of its annual “Elsie” award, which honours Canadian women who have made outstanding contributions to aviation and aerospace. Among those awarded was Waterloo Associate Professor Suzanne Kearns, who received the Education Award.

Named after Canadian aviation pioneer and human rights advocate Elsie Gregory MacGill, the award is now in its eleventh year and recognizes eight women across seven categories: business, education, engineering, flight operations, government, pioneer and rising star. A gala dinner for the award winners will be held in September.

Professor Kearns became a pilot at the age of 17 and subsequently earned her commercial multi-instrument pilot license (fixed-and rotary-wing), a diploma in helicopter flight training, a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Science, a Master of Science in Human Factors and Systems Engineering and a PhD in Education. Her research at Waterloo focuses on aviation human factors and pilot training. She explores human limitations and how they contribute to aviation and incidents.

“Our goal is to bring more recognition to women doing incredible work in aviation and aerospace in Canada,” said Joy Parker Blackwood, president of the Northern Lights Aero Foundation in a press release announcing the award recipients. “This year’s winners are all role models for the next generation of women in these industries.”

Social Impact Showcase tomorrow

Social Impact Showcase participants in a group photo.

St. Paul's GreenHouse will be hosting the the Social Impact Showcase on Tuesday, July 23, an event that will celebrate the diversity of the GreenHouse innovators and their journeys in social innovation and entrepreneurship. St. Paul's GreenHouse will be announcing grants for some early-stage, high-potential ideas, and the Social Impact Fund winners will be sharing their stories.

The Social Impact Showcase promises to be an engaging event and an excellent opportunity to connect with GreenHouse social ventures and network with other members of the social innovation community.

There's still time to register. The event takes place from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the St. Paul's GreenHouse space, room STP 164.

Link of the day

30 years ago: UHF

When and Where

W Store Fill-A-Bag event, Monday, July 22 to Wednesday, July 24, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., SCH concourse.

NSERC Discovery Grant drop-in sessions for faculty, Monday, July 22, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Engineering 7, Room 7411. 

Chemistry Seminar featuring Harald Stöver, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, McMaster University, “Cationic and Charge-Shifting Copolymers for Biomaterials Applications,” Monday, July 22, 1:30 p.m., C2-361.

Lunch and Learn: The future of waste management at UW, Tuesday, July 23, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., EV3 3412.

Social Impact ShowcaseTuesday, July 23, 4:00 p.m., STP 164.

QPR Mental Health Training for Students, Wednesday, July 24, 1:30 p.m., NH 2447.

New faculty welcome social, Wednesday, July 24, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Molly Bloom’s Irish Pub.

Eating Disorder Support Group, Wednesday, July 24, 4:00 p.m., NH 3308.

Coping Skills Seminar - Thriving With Emotions, Wednesday, July 24, 4:00 p.m., HS 2302.

Chemistry Seminar featuring Zhen Liu, Professor, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, “Advanced Molecularly Imprinted Materials for Affinity Separation, Disease Diagnosis, Single-Cell Analysis, Bioimaging and Cancer Therapy, Thursday, July 25, 10:00 a.m., C2-361 (Reading Room).

FAUW Indigenization Reading Circle, Thursday, July 25, 10:30 a.m., HH235.

NEW - WISE Public Lecture featuring Mohamed Elkadragy, Battery Technical Center, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, “Li-ion and Hybrid Battery Storage Systems Technical Highlights and Off-Grid Utilization Aspects: Using Case Studies Within Africa and North America,” Thursday, July 25, 11:45 a.m., Evolv 1 building, R+T Park.

Shad Waterloo 2019 Open Day Exhibits, Thursday, July 25, 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Conrad Grebel Great Hall.

Fairy Tales and Legends: orchestra@uwaterloo, Thursday, July 25, 7:30 p.m., Knox Presbyterian Church, 50 Erb Street W, Waterloo.

Instrumental Chamber Ensembles Concert, Sunday, July 28, 7:30 p.m., Conrad Grebel University College Chapel.

Tsinghua-Waterloo Joint Forum on Advances in Energy and Environmental Technologies, Monday, July 29 to Thursday, August 1, Engineering 7.

Webinar: Copyright for Teaching, Wednesday, July 31, 12:00 p.m.

KidsAbility Discovery Lab, Wednesday, July 31, 4:00 p.m., 500 Hallmark Drive, Waterloo.

Coping Skills Seminar - Challenging Thinking, Wednesday, July 31, 4:00 p.m., HS 2302.

Graduate Student Stress Management Group, Thursday, August 1, 3:30 p.m., HS 2302.

New Faculty Teaching Days, Wednesday, August 7 to Friday, August 9.

Coping Skills Seminar - Challenging Thinking, Wednesday, August 7, 4:00 p.m., HS 2302. 

PhD oral defences

Electrical & Computer Engineering. Wen Wu, "Design and Analysis of Beamforming in mmWave Networks." Supervisor, Sherman Shen. On display in the Engineering graduate office, E7 7402. Oral defence Friday, July 26, 10:00 a.m., EIT 3142.

English Language and Literature. Evelyn Deshane, "Wish You Were Here: Transgender Road Narratives and The Place for Identity." Supervisor, Andrew McMurray. On deposit in the Arts graduate office, PAS 2428. Oral defence Friday, July 26, 12:30 p.m., HH 373.

Electrical & Computer Engineering. Nan Chen, "Exploiting Mobile Energy Storages for Overload Mitigation in Smart Grid." Supervisor, Sherman Shen. On display in the Engineering graduate office, E7 7402. Oral defence Friday, July 26, 1:30 p.m., EIT 3142.

Applied Mathematics. Kamran Akbari, "Relativistic Theory of the Interaction of Two-Dimensional Materials with Moving Charged Particles." Supervisor, Zoran Miskovic. Thesis available from MGO - Oral defence Monday, July 29, 9:00 a.m., MC 6460.

Electrical & Computer Engineering. Jean-Luc François-Xavier Orgiazzi, "Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with Flux Qubits." Supervisors, Michal Bajcsy, Adrian Lupasci. On display in the Engineering graduate office, E7 7402. Oral defence Tuesday, July 30, EIT 3142.

Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering. Halit Zengin, "Multiple-Model Robust Adaptive Vehicle Motion Control." Supervisors, Baris Fidan, Amir Khajepour. On display in the Engineering graduate office, E7 7402. Oral defence Tuesday, July 30, 9:30 a.m., E5 3052