Below are the abstracts and notes for presentations we delivered on ecological agriculture development in China in various conferences:
Joint Annual Meeting of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food and Society
June 13- 16, 2018
Madison, The USA
- Alex Glaros and S. Scott. 2018. Attitudes and agriculture: Barriers to blending values and practices in the design of novel urban foodscapes.
The Canadian Association for Food Studies Conference 2018
May 27- 29, 2018
Regina, Canada
- Steffanie Scott. 2018. Serving up food studies online.
- Steffanie Scott, Danshu Qi, Ning Dai and Zhenzhong Si. 2018. China’s Changing Food System. Video (11 mins).
- Danshu Qi and Steffanie Scott. 2018. Conceptualizing ecological agriculture with ecological modernization theory: A Case study in Nanjing, China
Building Community-University Partnerships for Sustainable Food Systems workshop
August 15- 16, 2017
Beijing, China
- Steffanie Scott. 2017. Strengthening alliances for diversified agroecological systems in China.
- Zhenzhong Si. 2017. The lock-in factors of industrial agriculture in China: An overview of the IPES-Food report.
The 18th Conference of Chinese Society of Agroecology and Ecological Agriculture Commission
August 10-13, 2017
Yan'an, China
- Steffanie Scott. 2017. Towards diversified agroecological systems in China. (keynote presentation)
Zhenzhong Si, Jodi Koberinski and Steffanie Scott. 2017. Shifting from industrial agriculture to diversified agroecological systems in China.
Danshu Qi. 2017. What opportunities are created by ecological farmers? Chinese alternative food system in action.
Ning Dai. 2017. Can civil society change food? Experiences of Chinese citizen-consumers.
Cross-sector Partnership Workshop
August 7 - 9, 2017
Beijing, China
- Zhenzhong Si and Steffanie Scott. 2017. Meeting the challenges of food security and food safety in China.
The Canadian Association for Food Studies Conference 2017
May 28- 30, 2017
Toronto, Canada
- Kirsten Lee, Goretty Dias, Jackie Stapleton, Leia Minaker, Tanya Markvart, Steffanie Scott, Karla Boluk, Sharon Kirkpatrick. 2017. A scoping review of food-related interventions on post-secondary campuses. Poster
- Alesandros Glaros and Steffanie Scott. 2017. Perspectives on the resilience of high-tech urban agriculture in Canadian cities.
- Danshu Qi. 2017. The new farmers shaping the ecological food sector in Nanjing, China.
Waterloo Food Issues Group Meeting, November 2016
November, 2016
Waterloo, Canada
- Ning Dai and Danshu Qi. 2016. Characterizing the ecological modernization of agriculture in China: Policy analysis and case study of Nanjing.
Canadian Association of Geographers-Ontario Division
October 28-29, 2016
Waterloo, Canada
- Danshu Qi. 2016. Evaluating the opportunities to develop organic agriculture on the governmental level: A case study in Nanjing, China.
- Ning Dai. 2016. At the forefront of sustainable transition: Ingenuity and dilemma of new organic farmers in Nanjing, China.
The 33rd International Geographical Congress 2016
August 21- 25, 2016
Beijing, China
- Steffanie Scott, Zhenzhong Si, and Taiyang Zhong. 2016. What can cities do for food, and what can food do for cities? Rethinking urban planning in China through a food systems lens.
- Steffanie Scott. 2016. Approaching sustainable urban development in China through a food system planning lens.
- Zhenzhong Si. 2016. Food safety in daily lives: Perceptions, coping strategies and improving opportunities in Nanjing, China.
- Danshu Qi. 2016. Understanding community building and its impacts on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms in China.
- Ning Dai. 2016. Food security, inclusive growth and governance of public space: The case of food vendors in Nanjing, China.
The XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology 2016
August 10- 14, 2016
Toronto, Canada
- Steffanie Scott. 2016. The relevance of a sustainable food systems approach for understanding food security in China.
- Zhenzhong Si. 2016. Food safety in daily lives: Perceptions, coping strategies and improving opportunities.
The Canadian Association for Food Studies Conference 2016
May 28- 30, 2016
Toronto, Canada
- Danshu Qi, S. Scott, and Ning Dai. 2016. The Power of Individuals in Shaping the Production System of Ecological Agriculture: A Case Study in Nanjing, China.
- Steffanie Scott, Zhenzhong Si, and Jenelle Regnier-Davies. 2016. Approaching sustainable urban development in China through a food system planning lens.
2016 WatFIG Graduate Conference
April 22, 2016
Waterloo, Canada
- Danshu Qi. 2016. New ways to inclusive development: Exploring ecological food sectors in Nanjing.
Canadian Association for Food Studies Conference (CAFS) 2015
May 30- Jun. 2, 2015
Ottawa, Canada
- Steffanie Scott. 2015. China’s next generation of organic farmers: a future for China’s peasants?
Cases and frameworks for the dissemination of ecological agriculture and CSAs in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan workshop
March 21-23, 2015
Hong Kong, China
- Steffanie Scott. 2015. Ecological Agriculture in China: Government-led versus grassroots initiatives
Waterloo Food Issues Group seminar series
Oct. 30, 2014
Waterloo, Canada
- Zhenzhong Si. 2014. Governmental versus Grassroots Agendas for Rural Development: Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities in the ‘New Rural Reconstruction Movement’ in China
Food and sustainability: production, consumption and food relations in Asia conference
Oct. 14, 2014
Hong Kong, China
- Steffanie Scott. 2014. Forging new interfaces between ‘feeders’ and ‘eaters’: Alternative food networks in China
Canadian Association for Food Studies Conference (CAFS) 2014
May 24-27, 2014
St. Catharines, Canada
- Zhenzhong Si and Steffanie Scott. 2014. Farmers’ markets as contested spaces: a case study of an ecological farmers’ market in China.
Critical issues facing the food system in the 21st century workshop
April 11, 2014
Waterloo, Canada
- Zhenzhong Si. 2014. The convergence of alternative food networks within the New Rural Reconstruction Movement in China.
- Theresa Schumilas. 2014. Beyond ‘voting with your chopsticks’ – Everyday food resistance in China.
International conference on spatial and social transformation in urban China
December 13-14, 2012
Hong Kong, China
- Zhenzhong Si. 2012. Forging urban-rural connection through alternative food networks the emergence of Community Supported Agriculture and buying clubs in China (PDF)
The 2nd South-South Forum on Sustainability
December 8-11, 2012
Chongqing, China
- Theresa Schumilas: A Comparison of CSAs in Canada and China (abstract) (PDF)
XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology
July 29 - August 4, 2012
Lisbon, Portugal
- Session proposal (PDF) - The ecological and organic agriculture sector in China: Emerging organizational structures and actors
- Steffanie Scott: The Greening of Food and Agriculture in China: Organizational Forms in the Organic and Ecological Agriculture Sector (PDF)
- Zhenzhong Si: The Government’s Role in the Conventionalization of Organic Agriculture in China (PDF)
- Aijuan Chen: Scaling Up Ecological Farming in China through establishing Farmers’ Professional Associations (PDF)
The Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS) Conference 2012
May 26-28, 2012
Waterloo, Canada
- Steffanie Scott: Alternative food networks with Chinese characteristics (PDF)
- Theresa Schumilas: Ontario’s Organic Sector: Politics in Place or Conventionalization? (PDF)
- Aijuan Chen: Government as an alternative force in promoting ecological farming in China (PDF)
Other presentations and reports
Steffanie Scott gave a presentation about Chinese organic farming and consumer organizations at the Beijing Country Fair talk session on March 9th, 2013. A detailed report about Steffanie’s work in China has been published on China Daily on March 17th, 2013--CSA: more than just buying safe food. You can also visit China Daily’s website for a shorter version of the report.
Steffanie Scott and Theresa Schumilas have given a presentation about Canadian organic associations and CSA development on April 6th, 2012 in Beijing at the Beijing Country Fair’s talk session. Many farmers attended the discussion. Here is the report of the presentation published on (综合农协, 2012年第2期) in Chinese 加拿大的有机小农与消费者组织 (PDF), written by Tianle Chang, the principal of the Country Fair.
- Steffanie Scott. 2012. “Community Organizing for a Sustainable Food System: A Canada-China Comparison.” Presentation at the School of Geographic & Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, China, April 17.
- Steffanie Scott and Aijuan Chen. 2011. “The Greening of Food and Agriculture in China: Organizational Forms in the Organic and Ecological Agriculture Sector.” Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Food Studies conference, Fredericton, May 28-30.
- Steffanie Scott. 2011. “From Food Security to Quality Food: The Greening of Food and Agriculture in China.” Presentation at A Roundtable on the Future of Food and Agriculture: Recent Research and New Directions. University of Waterloo, April 14.
- Aijuan Chen and Steffanie Scott. 2010. “Ecological and Organic Agriculture and Rural Sustainability in China Presentation at the Canadian Asian Studies Association Conference, Ottawa, October 28-31.
- Steffanie Scott and Aijuan Chen. 2009. “The Organic Food Sector in China.” Presentation to the Waterloo Region Food System Roundtable, September 16.