Organic and ecological agriculture, ecological modernization, and the developmental state in China

SSHRC Standard Research Grant (2010-13)

A vendor at Beijing organic farmers' market
The first project was conducted by Dr. Steffanie Scott, Dr. Aijuan Chen, Dr. Zhenzhong Si and Dr. Theresa Schumilas from 2010 to 2014.

This study sought to:

  • Explain the organization and ownership structures of ecological and organic farms in China;
  • Identify how small-scale farmers have been integrated into these organizational structures;
  • Explain the interests and activities of Chinese government bodies at different levels for promoting ecological and organic agriculture; and
  • Explore the relationships between producers and consumers in organic food networks such as community supported agriculture (CSAs), buying clubs, and farmers markets.

The research team investigated the emerging ecological sector in 13 provinces and municipalities across China.