Saturday, June 6, 2015

The results for the 2015 race have now been posted on our website. We have also posted graphs generated by the scoring software showing the progression of the cars over the race, and the best lap times of each car.

Bluevale Collegiate swept the race this year, taking both races and the Dennis Weishar Engineering Design Award. IE Weldon came a close runner-up in the 24 V race, being down only one lap (and leading Bluevale for a good portion of the race).

Pickering High School from Ajax made their debut with their first car, number 412. While they had some technical difficulties that prevented their car from completing a lap, their car was an impressive and unique entry into the competition. Their team won the Best Rookie Team award for their showing.

Also in attendance was Stephen Lewis Secondary School, who started their car this year and showed off their progress so far. They had a completed frame, steering system, and drivetrain, and were making progress on their electrical systems. We're confident we'll be seeing them on the track next year.

We would like to thank all our teams — new and old — for their attendance at the 2015 EV Challenge. The race would not be possible without them. If you have any feedback on the race, contact Peter Teertstra, the lead race organizer.

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