2013 race results

Return to results | Final results | 12 volt race | 24 volt race | Engineering Design Award

Final results

  12 volt race 24 volt race
School School board Teacher # Cars Car # Car # Car # Car #
Our Lady of Lourdes Wellington Catholic Jerry Dellasavia 2 00 2 00 2
Bluevale CI Waterloo Region Jamie Cox 2 55 66 55 66
Resurrection CSS Waterloo Catholic John Forndran 2 10 12 10 12
Sir John A Macdonald SS Waterloo Region Erwin Bluemke 1 n/a n/a 702 n/a
Orangeville District SS Upper Grand Victor Castela 2 44 64 22 64

12 volt race

Car # School # Laps Place
12 Resurrection 51.9 1
55 Bluevale 51.8 2
66 Bluevale 51.7  
2 Our Lady of Lourdes 48.6 3
0 Our Lady of Lourdes 47.5  
10 Orangeville District 34  
44 Orangeville District 26  

24 volt race

Car # School # Laps Place
66 Bluevale 94.9 1
55 Bluevale 88  
12 Resurrection 67.8 2
10 Resurrection 66.0  
2 Our Lady of Lourdes 61.0 3
0 Our Lady of Lourdes 61.0  
44 Orangeville District 43.0  
702 Sir John A Macdonald 35.0  

Engineering Design Award

School Place
Bluevale 1
Sir John A Macdonald 2
Orangeville District 3