All visitors, whether they are affiliated with teams and the University of Waterloo or not, are welcome to attend, meet teams, and watch the race. The event is free to the public and is a great opportunity for families to showcase engineering design.
Parking and directions

The event takes place around the East Campus buildings at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario. Parking is available in the Q parking lot for visitors. Parking is not accessible from Ring Road, the university's main internal artery — access is only from 263 Philip Street (use this address if using a GPS). Parking will be indicated with signs on Philip Street.
For more information, consult the campus map or directions to campus. Teams should review information for teams about load-in.
Food around campus
The East Campus buildings are located across from Tim Hortons (at Columbia and Philip) and next to the Campus Plaza (at University and Philip). In addition, the University of Waterloo Concrete Toboggan Team will be on-site and will be selling Boggan Burgers. Proceeds go to support the Concrete Toboggan team, led by university students.
Live stream
The event will be live streamed from the scoring table. From here, the most recent scoring data and the official time is broadcast. In addition to score information, the broadcast will also stream from cameras, and provide official announcements about the race. The live stream is the only official source of information about the race while it is ongoing.
Teams are encouraged to bring smart phones and laptops to connect to the live stream. An app is available for Apple and Andoird mobile devices (BlackBerry devices are not supported).
To access the live stream:
- On laptops, visit website and search for "WaterlooEV", or visit the channel page at
- On smart phones (Android and iPhone), download the Ustream app and search for "WaterlooEV."
Eduroam Wifi access
Login credentials have been generated to access the campus Eduroam Wifi network. Guests — whether they be from a team or from the general public — are invited to pick up a login username and password from the registration area. Information about accessing the live stream is printed on the back of the cards.
This will allow access to the campus Wifi network for the duration of the event for mobile devices like laptops and smart phones. This access is intended to permit smooth viewing of the live stream.