Discontinuation of SMS (text messaging) for emergency notifications

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Effective Monday, April 4, 2016, emergency alerts/notifications will no longer be sent to members of the campus community via SMS (text message) as these messages were becoming unreliable and were no longer received in a timely manner. Emergency messages will now be sent using the campus emergency notification app, WatSAFE. Downloading the app to your iPhone, Android, or BlackBerry device or tablet ensures you receive immediate access to Alert Notifications and Alert Statuses (situation updates), even when you’re on the go.

Through WatSAFE, you can connect with the support resources you need during an emergency situation, including 911, the Campus Police, Safety Office, and campus support units (e.g. Counselling Services, Health Services); review safety and emergency training videos, guidelines and procedures; and report suspicious activity.

It is important that you download the WatSAFE app to stay informed of campus safety and emergency events. For more information and to download WatSAFE, visit https://uwaterloo.ca/watsafe.

Questions about privacy and app access to your device? Learn more on the AppArmor website, http://www.apparmor.com/About/Privacy/.