Labs and centres

2D Materials Electrochemical Devices Lab

Develops new materials and bottom-up processing strategies to fabricate improved, typically nanocomposite, device components in order to advance technologies in areas such as electrochemical energy storage, energy generation, sensing and separations.

Applied Carbon Nanotechnology Lab

Focuses on developing carbon nanotubes and graphene, which includes the design of proper porosity and polarity of nanomaterials for the highest energy storage supercapacitor and ultra-strong nanocomposites.

Applied Nanomaterials and Clean Energy Lab

Develops advanced nanomaterials for use in clean, sustainable energy technologies. Energy storage research includes the development of fuel cells, lithium ion battery, lithium sulfur batteries, metal air batteries, next-generation batteries, sensors applications.

Fuel Cell and Green Energy Lab

The Fuel Cell and Green Energy Laboratory focuses on the understanding of fundamental and applied green energy conversion technologies using a analytical modeling, numerical simulation, and experimental observation.

Green Energy and Fuel Cell Research Group

Focuses on the design and performance of fuel cell stacks and systems. Work is also done in the area of environmental risk management involved in green energy technology.

Greener Production Group

Combines expertise in thermal science, material engineering and techno-economics to develop sustainable technologies for energy conversion and chemical production. 

Nanocomposite device components research

Develops new materials and processing strategies to fabricate improved, typically nanocomposite, device components in order to advance technologies in areas such as electrochemical energy storage, energy generation, sensing and separations.

Porous Materials Engineering and Analysis Lab (PMEAL) 

Focuses on the study of atypical porous media, such as engineered materials including electrodes, membranes, filters, papers, and catalyst supports.  

Vibration and Energy Harvesting Lab

Involved in numerous research activities using cutting edge technologies such as vibrations, modal analysis, shape control and dynamics of inflatable gossamer space structures, vibrations energy harvesting solutions using smart materials and hybrid solutions, smart materials solutions for actuation and sensing for physiological applications, noise and acoustics abatement for manufacturing facilities for ergonomics improvement and GNSS reflectometry for quadcopters and remote soil and ice sensing.