Submitting a Reimbursement Request

The primary method for purchasing items with WEEF funding is to make a purchase personally and then submit a reimbursement claim.

To submit a reimbursement claim you must do the following:

  1. Fill out the University of Waterloo Finance reimbursement form (excel).

    You can ignore all travel-related entry areas. WEEF will fill in the account, activity, and group values and sign off on the funding as the department-designated reviewer, you must sign as the claimant.

    Note: You cannot submit 2 expense claim forms for the same person on the same day. Student ID and current date are used to generate an ID number for the reimbursement, so creating 2 on the same day will cause an error in UW Finance’s system.
  2. In addition, WEEF also requires you to submit receipts for the purchases, bank account statement(s) showing your name and the purchases (all other transactions can be blurred out), and the applicable page from the WEEF allocations showing the proposal you are drawing from and the amount that was allocated. Please clearly indicate which items correspond to which line items of the allocation, whether by label or (if from funding allocated on or after S22) using the unique account number. Past allocations can be found on the documents page as well as the public balances spreadsheet.

  3. Compile the claim form and supporting documentation into a single PDF, with the name exactly matching: Expense Claim Form Claim_Number-WEEF-Your Name.pdf (Eg: Expense Claim Form 44123456-WEEF-Jane Smith.pdf)

  4. Send the claim form to the subject line must be identical to the claim file name. (Eg. Expense Claim Form 44123456-WEEF-Jane Smith) the email must include the following certification statement, sent from the claimant's email:

    I, CLAIMANT_NAME, certify that all expenditures in this claim adhere to the University’s policies, were incurred by me for University purposes, and have not been/will not be reimbursed from another source.

IMPORTANT: It is significantly more difficult for UWaterloo Finance to reimburse claims made more than 120 Days after a purchase is made, and there are additional delays that mean it will take longer for you to get reimbursed. As such, if you are over 120 Days between the date of the claim being submited and the date of the oldest purchase on the claim, you must add a signed letter to the Dean of Engineering explaining this delay to your Expense Claim PDF.