Presentation guidelines
Presentations of WEEF funding proposals occur once a term and provide the Funding Council with a chance to hear about the advantages of each suggested proposal. Every proposal must be presented at this meeting, however a proposer may choose a proxy if they are unable to attend. Be aware that any presenter may be asked tough questions about their proposal.
Due to a steady increase in the number of proposals, all presentations will be kept to a four minute maximum. Because of this scheduling, we strongly encourage every proposer to use the following format:
- Briefly explain the proposal, and how it will benefit undergraduate engineering students (1 min)
- Describe the following: (2 min)
- How many students will be affected and which courses/teams/clubs could realistically benefit from this proposal.
- Any other attempts to obtain funding for your proposal. It is strongly encouraged that proposers DO attempt to obtain funds from other sources (Mathematics Endowment Fund (MEF), Faculty, corporate sponsorship) as well as from WEEF.
- For a department proposal, please indicate why the Faculty has not provided funding to cover this item.
- In any time left over, please mention any medium or long term impacts of the proposal, significant achievements by your student team, WEEF promotion within your team or department, successful WEEF purchases in the past, etc. (1 min)
- Following the presentation, you may be asked questions by members of the Funding Council. Please keep your answers brief.
Please note, you will be stopped after four minutes, so please plan accordingly.
PowerPoint presentations are the preferred method of visual aids (however other media such as videos, flash presentations, overheads, or pure verbal presentations are acceptable.) Please email any PowerPoint files to the WEEF Director in advance to avoid unnecessary delays. The AV equipment in the room will be used (i.e. a Nexus Windows XP Computer).