For GIs
If, due to an emergency, you need to cancel a class, do the following:
- Email your students to inform them about the cancellation as soon as possible and, if you are on LEARN, post an announcement.
- Email English staff, asking them to have a notice put on your classroom door.
A missed class can be re-scheduled only with the permission of all students in the class.
University closures
If the university closes for an emergency such as a snowstorm, your class must be cancelled as well. A notice of closure will be posted on the UWaterloo home page, but you may also email your students to notify them of the cancellation and of what will be covered in the following class. In this case, if necessary, you can re-schedule the missed class at the same time on the first day on which no other classes are being held (likely a Saturday). The general practice, however, is to accommodate the missed class within the existing class schedule.