LEARN is the University of Waterloo’s learning management system. If you are teaching in an online course you will be working in LEARN, and many on-campus courses also make use of LEARN. On LEARN you can do the following:
- See who is enrolled in your section or tutorial
- Record attendance
- Store class materials for download or viewing by students
- Create online quizzes or surveys
- Have students participate in online discussion forums or chats, as a whole class or in groups
- Communicate with students via email
- Receive assignments and return feedback
- Record grades and submit them to Quest, University of Waterloo’s student information system
Requesting a LEARN course
If you are a GI and want to access these tools, you need to request a LEARN course for your section. Email learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca with your course and section number or go to LEARN tools and click courses. For on-campus TAs, consult your course leader to see if there is a LEARN site associated with your course.
Getting help with LEARN
There is online help for LEARN (see also the LEARN documentation), but the best way to become thoroughly familiar with the system is to take one of the LEARN introductions offered by the Centre for Teaching Excellence. You can view some of the CTE YouTube videos on different tools in LEARN. If you are a TA, your course leader and the TA materials associated with your course will provide you with the information you need to use LEARN.
If LEARN is down for an extended period, see these guidelines for appropriate actions you can take.
Producing a Photo Class List using LEARN
If you have a LEARN site associated with your course, you can produce a class list that includes the WatCard photos of your students to help you learn their names. Do the following:
On your course home page, click Course Admin (upper right of window).
- Click Widgets.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of Course Tools.
- Click Instructor Tools.
- Click Photo Class List for all sections.