Working with your course coordinator

The role of your course coordinator

Your course coordinator is responsible for the overall coordination of your course and for supervising and supporting the course’s teaching assistants. In addition, course coordinators may also teach a section of the course they are coordinating, and they are ordinarily responsible for submitting final marks for all students in a course. Your course coordinator will orient you to your course and provide you with the information and training you need to fulfill your responsibilities. Direct any questions or issues related specifically to the course and its students to your course coordinator. If you have broader questions on teaching or administration, contact the TA Coordinator or GI Coordinator.

TA meetings

The course coordinator will contact TAs prior to the start of the course in order to introduce them to the course and their responsibilities. The coordinator will also schedule regular subsequent meetings for TAs in order to assess how the course is going, to introduce particular modules or assignments, and to ensure that marking is consistent across tutorials. TAs are expected to attend all group and individual meetings scheduled by the course coordinator, and they are expected to respond promptly to any emails or other inquiries sent by their course coordinator.


A collegial, respectful relationship between the course coordinator and the TAs is central to the effective running of any course. If you have any concerns about the course, discuss them promptly and collegially with your course coordinator. If the matter isn’t resolved to the satisfaction of either the coordinator or the TA, then either may bring the concern to the attention of the TA Coordinator.