It is important to understand that:
- Additional grading systems may exist.
- Departments/Faculties may have higher requirements for their programs and the assessment of any individual may be subject to additional criteria.
- This guide has been compiled using a variety of sources and is by no means complete.
International equivalency by location, degree, and GPA | ||||
Location of academic institution attended |
Minimum equivalent qualifications (for admission to Master's program) |
Minimum overall academic standing | ||
Bachelor/License (4 years), Master's |
73/100 |
Albania |
Diplome, Professional Title (4 years) |
8/10 |
Algeria |
Licence, Diplome, d'Ingenieur/d'Architecture (4 years) |
14/20 |
Angola |
Licenciatura or Professional Title (superior academic standing required) |
14/20 |
Argentina |
Licenciado or Professional Title |
7.5/10 |
Armenia |
Specialist Diploma (5 years) |
4/5 |
Australia |
Honours Bachelor (at least 3 years) |
Honours IIA/Second Class, Upper |
Austria |
Diplom-Ingenieur, Magister |
2/5 (reverse scale) |
Azerbaijan |
Diploma of Specialist (post-1991), Bakalavr/Bachelor (4 years), Magistr (pre-1997) |
4/5 |
Bahamas |
Bachelor (from UWI & U of the Bahamas) |
Class II, Upper |
Bahrain |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4 |
Bangladesh |
Bachelor (4 year) OR Bachelor plus Master |
First Class standing in all degrees, 60/100 |
Barbados |
Honours Bachelor |
Second Class, Upper Division |
Belarus |
Bakalavr (5 years, pre-1991), Magistr (pre-1997), Diploma of Specialist (5 years, post-1991) |
4/5 |
Belgium |
Post-Bologna Bachelier/Bachelor (professional Pre-Bologna Licencie/Licentiaat, Ingenieur, Architecte |
Pre-Bologna 14/20 |
Belize |
Bachelor (from UWI) |
80/100 |
Benin |
Maitrise (4 years) |
14/20 |
Bolivia |
Licenciatura (Licenciado), Professional Title (e.g. Ingeniero) |
80/100 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Diploma Visoko Obrazovanja (4-6 years) |
4/5 |
Botswana |
Bachelor (4 or 5 years) |
Second Class, First Division |
Brazil |
Bacharelado, Bacherel, Licenciado/Licenciatura, Professional Title (4 years) |
7.5/10 |
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Brunei Darussalam |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Class II Honours, Upper |
Bulgaria |
Diploma za Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie (pre-2001), Bakalavr/Bachelor (4 years) |
4.5/6 |
Burkina Faso |
Maitrise, Diplome d’Ingenieur (4 years) |
14/20 |
Burundi |
Licence, Diplome d’Ingenieur (4 years) |
70/100 |
Cameroon |
Licence, Bachelor, Professional Title (4 years) In cases where the Licence or Bachelor is not 4 years of study, the Maîtrise will be required |
15/20 |
Central African Republic |
Maitrise, Specialized Diplome, Professional Title (4-6 years) |
15/20 |
Chile |
Licenciatura, Professional Title (4 year) |
5.5/7 |
China, People’s Republic of |
Bachelor (4 years) |
80/100 |
Colombia |
Licenciatura/Licenciado, Professional Title (4 year) |
3.7/5 |
Congo |
Licence plus a DUEL or DUES, Diplome d’Ingenieur (3-5 years) |
14/20 |
Congo (Democratic Republic of) |
Licence, Diplome d’Ingenieur, Docteur en Medecine |
70/100 |
Costa Rica |
Bachillerato universitario, Licenciatura |
8/10 |
Cote D’Ivoire |
Maitrise, Diplome d’Ingenieur (4 years) |
15/20 |
Croatia |
Diploma (4-6 years) |
4/5 |
Cuba |
Licenciado, Professional Title (4 years) |
4/5 |
Cyprus |
Ptychion, Bachelor |
7.5/10 |
Czech Republic |
Bakalar, Absolvent Vysoke Skoly, Inzenyr, Professional Title (at least 4 years) |
2/5 (reverse scale) |
Denmark |
Candidatus Philosophiae, Professional Title, Bachelor |
12-Scale: 8/12 13-Scale: 9/13 |
Dominican Republic |
Licenciado, Licenciatura |
3/4 |
Licenciado, Professional Title (4 years) |
8/10 |
Egypt |
Bachelor/Baccalaureos |
Very Good |
El Salvador |
Licenciado, Professional Title (4 years) |
8/10 |
Eritrea |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4 |
Estonia |
Diplom/Bakalaureusekraad (4 years) |
4/5 |
Ethiopia |
Bachelor (4 year) Qualifying program may be required |
3/4 |
Fiji | Bachelor | B | ||
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Finland |
Kandidaatti/Kandidat |
3/5 or 2/3 |
France |
Maitrise, Diplomes des Grandes Ecoles, Diplome d'Ingenieur, Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignment Secondaire, Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignment Technique, Licence |
12/20 |
Gabon |
Maitrise (4 years), Diplome d’Ingenieur |
Bien | ||
The Gambia |
Bachelor |
3.0/4.3 |
Georgia |
Bakalavris Akademiuri Khariskhi with Diplomi Tsarchinebit (5 years) or Magistris Khariskhi |
4/5 |
Germany |
Bachelor degree, Diplom, Magister Artium, Staatsexamen/Staatsprufung |
2/5 (reverse scale) |
Ghana | Bachelor |
Upper Second Class |
Greece |
Pytchion, Bachelor |
7.5/10 |
Guatemala |
Licenciado/Licenciatura, Professional Title (4-5 years) |
75/100 |
Guinea |
Licence (4 years), Maitrise, Diplome d’Etudes superieures (DES), Diplome d'Ingenieur |
14/20 |
Guyana |
Bachelor (4 year) |
Good - B |
Haiti |
Licence/Professional Title/Diplome d'Etudes Superieures |
83/100 |
Honduras |
Bachillerato universitario, Licenciatura, Professional Title |
85/100 |
Hong Kong |
Bachelor (Honours) |
Class II (Upper/Division I) |
Hungary |
Egyetemi Oklevel (4 years) |
4/5 |
Iceland |
Baccalaureatus (Bachelor), Candidatus |
7.25/10 |
India |
Completion of at minimum a 4-year Bachelor degree or, completion of both a Bachelor degree (less than 4 years in length) and a Master degree |
First Class, 8/10 or Very Good |
Indonesia |
Sarjana, Pasca Sarjana (pre 1981), Sarjana (S1) (post 1981) |
3/4 |
Iran |
Bachelor, Licence, Karshenasi |
15/20 |
Iraq |
Bachelor (4 years) |
75/100 |
Ireland |
Bachelor |
Second Class Honours, Grade 1 |
Israel |
Bachelor |
78/100 |
Italy |
Diploma di Laure, Corsi Di Specializzazione Di Primo Livello, Corsi Di Master, Universitario Di Primo Livello, Licenza Di Accademia Di Belle Arti |
25/30 |
Jamaica |
Bachelor (Honours) |
Second Class, Upper Division |
Japan |
Bachelor (Gakushi Shogo) |
77/100 |
Jordan |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Very Good |
Kazakhstan |
Diploma of Specialist, Bakalavr (requiring 4 years of study) |
4/5 |
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Kenya |
Bachelor with Honours (4 years) |
Second Class Honours (upper division) |
Korea (South) |
Bachelor |
80/100 |
Kuwait |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4 |
Kyrgyzstan |
Diplom Specialista, Bakalvr |
4/5 |
Latvia |
Bakalaurs (4 years) |
8/10 |
Lebanon |
Bachelor, Licence (4 years) |
15/20 |
Lesotho |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Very Good - B |
Liberia |
Bachelor (4 years) |
80/100 |
Libya |
Bachelor |
75/100 |
Lithuania |
Bakalaurus (4 years), Specialist Diploma |
8/10 |
Licenciatura (4 years) |
Very Good |
Macedonia |
Visoko Obrazovanja, Diplomiran |
7.5/10 |
Madagascar |
Maitrise (4 years) |
14/20 |
Malawi |
Bachelor |
70/100 or 5/6 |
Malaysia |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Class 2 div 1 |
Mali |
Diplome D’Etudes Universitaires Approfondies, Diplome De L’Ecole Normale Superieure |
14/20 |
Malta |
Bachelor, Professional Title |
Second Class, Upper |
Mauritania |
Diplome (5 years), Maitrise |
14/20 |
Mauritius |
Bachelor with Honours (3 years) |
Second Class, Division 1 |
Mexico |
Licenciatura, Professional Title, Profesor/Maestro |
8/10 |
Moldova |
Diploma de Licenta, Diploma de Ingenieur, Diploma of Specialist |
7/10 |
Mongolia |
Bachelor plus Master | B | ||
Morocco |
Licence, Maitrise, Diplome d’Ingenieur (4 years), Diplome d’Ingenieur d’Etat (5 years), Diplome d’Architecture (6 years), Diplome Superieur (4 years) |
14/20 |
Mozambique | Licenciatura |
15/20 |
Myanmar |
Bachelor (4 or more years) |
75/100 |
Namibia |
Bachelor (4 years) |
75/100 |
Nepal |
Bachelor plus Master OR Bachelor (4 years) |
Division I |
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Netherlands |
Doctoraal/Doctorandus (Drs.), Ingenieur (Ir.), Meester (Mr.) & Bachelor (first cycle) |
7/10 |
New Zealand |
Bachelor (4 years) |
B | ||
Nicaragua |
Licenciatura, Professional Title |
80/100 |
Niger |
Maitrise, Diplome d’Agronomie Approfondie/D’Ingenieur Agronome, Docteur en Medecine |
14/20 |
Nigeria |
Honours Bachelor |
2nd Class, Upper Division |
Norway |
Bachelorgrad, Sivilingenior, Sivilokonom |
Post 2002 - B Pre 2002 - 2/4 (reverse scale) |
Oman |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4 |
Pakistan |
Completion of at minimum a 4-year Bachelor degree or, completion of both a Bachelor degree (less than 4 years in length) and a Master degree |
First Division |
Palestine Territory (West Bank & Gaza) |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4 |
Panama |
Licenciado/Licenciatura, Titulo (4 years) |
85/100 |
Papua New Guinea |
Bachelor (Honours) |
Class II, Division A |
Paraguay |
Licenciado, Professional Title (4 years) |
3.7/5.0 |
Peru | Licenciatura/Licenciado, Professional Title (4 years), & Bachiller |
15/20 |
Philippines | Bachelor's degree if admitted to university after 12 years of primary and secondary education. Completion of both bachelor's and master's degree if admitted to university after 10 years of primary and secondary education. |
2/5 (reverse scale) De La Salle University: 3.0 |
Poland |
Licencjat, Magister, Magister Inzynier, Lekarz Medycyny, Dyplom Lekarza |
4/6 |
Portugal |
Licenciado/Licenciatura (4 years) |
15/20 |
Puerto Rico |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4 |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4; 80/100 | |||
Romania |
Diploma de Licenta, Diploma de Inginer, Diploma de Architect, Diploma de Doctor |
7/10 |
Russia |
Bakalavr, Diploma (Specialist), Magistr |
4/5 |
Rwanda |
Maitrise, Diplome d'Ingenieur |
70/100 |
Saudi Arabia |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Very good, 80/100 |
Senegal |
Maitrise (4 years) |
14/20 |
Serbia |
Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja (4 years) |
7.5/10 |
Sierra Leone |
Honours Bachelor |
Second Class |
Singapore |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Class II, Div. 1 |
Slovakia |
Old system: Diplom, Absolvent Vysoke Skoly, Inzenyr, MUDr., MVDr. New system: Bakalavr (4 years), Magister |
Velmi Dobrye |
Slovenia |
Univerzitetni Diplomirani (4 years) |
7.5/10 |
Soloman Islands |
Bachelor |
3/4.5 |
Somalia | Bachelor, Laurea (4 years) | 25/30 | ||
South Africa |
Honours Bachelor (4 years) |
Second Class, Division 1 | ||
Spain |
Licenciado/Licenciatura, Ingeniero, Professional Title (4 years) |
7.5/10 |
Sri Lanka |
Bachelor (Special), Professional Title (4 years) |
Second Class, First Division |
Sudan |
Honours Bachelor (5 years) |
3/4 |
Suriname |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Met Genoegen |
Swaziland |
Bachelor (4 years) |
First Class; 70/100 |
Sweden | Post Bologna: Kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor) Pre Bologna: Magisterexamen |
VG, Val Godkand |
Switzerland |
Lizentiat/Licence, Diploma/Diplome, Staatsdiplom, Diplome d’Etat |
5/6 |
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Syria |
Licence, Bachelor |
Very Good |
Taiwan |
Bachelor (4 years) |
80/100 |
Tajikistan |
Bakalavr, Diplom of Specialist (4-5 years) |
4/5 |
Tanzania |
Bachelor (Honours, 4 years) |
Second Class Honours, Upper |
Thailand |
Bachelor (4 years) |
3/4 |
Togo |
Maitrise, Diplome d’Ingenieur (4 years) |
14/20 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Bachelor (Honours, 4 years) |
Second Class, Upper Division |
Tunisia |
Licence, Diplome d'Ingenieur, Maitrise, (4 years) |
14/20 |
Turkey |
Lisans Diplomasi, Muhendis Diplomasi |
3/4 |
Turkmenistan |
Specialist Diploma, Bakalavr |
4/5 |
Uganda | Honours Bachelor, requiring at least four years of study |
Class II, Honours Upper |
Ukraine |
Bakalavr (4 years), Diplom of Specialist, Magistr (pre 2005) |
4/5 |
United Arab Emirates |
Bachelor (4 years) |
80/100 |
United Kingdom |
BA, BSc, BMus, BArch, B. Eng Scotland - MA, MSc |
Upper Second Class Honours | ||
United States of America | Bachelor |
3/4 |
Uruguay |
Licenciatura/Licenciado, Professional Title (4 years) |
8/12 |
Uzbekistan |
Bakalavr (4 years) |
Good or 71/100 |
Vanuatu | Bachelor |
B or 65/100 |
Venezuela |
Licenciatura/Licenciado, Professional Title (4 years) |
7/9 |
Vietnam |
Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc, Bang Ci Nhan (4 years) |
7.5/10 |
West Indies |
Bachelor |
Second Class, Upper Division |
Yemen |
Bachelor (4 years) |
Very Good |
Zambia |
Bachelor (4 years) |
70/100 |
Zimbabwe |
Bachelor |
Second Class, Upper Division |
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