Chinelo Uddoh - School of Public Health Sciences

Chinelo Uddoh

Graduate school taught me to go beyond memorizing facts and really dig into the reason behind things. Whether it's the frustrating lack of interoperability in health-care systems or the impact of technology on patient experience, relentlessly asking 'why?' leads to the kind of understanding that sparks solutions.

Chinelo Uddoh, School of Public Health Sciences

Master of Health Informatics (MHI) student Chinelo Uddoh is a part-time graduate student, a mother of two young daughters, a pharmacist and a product manager at Deloitte, who somehow still found the time to build a personal side project she calls Phai.

It’s an AI-powered set of tools designed to help pharmacists and pharmacy students, offering quick answers and insights to regulation and policy matters that guide pharmacy practice.

Recognizing these challenges and the barriers that exist to education and technology, Uddoh began her journey in the MHI program in 2020, hoping to combine her health-care experience with health technology to make a real difference in how patients and clinicians experience the Canadian health-care system.

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