Joline Cheng - Pure Mathematics

Joline Cheng

For a math presentation, the purpose is not to entertain as much as to teach people. This was an introduction to a whole new style of communication.

Joline Cheng - Pure Mathematics

Joline Cheng, an undergraduate in data science, was intrigued by mathematical research, eager for a chance to study topics in greater depth than her first-year courses allowed. Yet she was simultaneously apprehensive, feeling in need of “a stepping stone into that world.”  

When she heard about the Directed Reading Program (DRP) offered through Women in Mathematics (WiM), it sounded like the perfect opportunity. The program gives undergraduate students (mentees) who identify as women or underrepresented gender identities the opportunity to work with graduate students of all genders (mentors) on a research project. While DRPs are run at other universities, Waterloo is unique in using the DRP to promote equity, diversity and inclusivity. The DRP is open to students of any year and has no minimum grade requirements.

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