GARLS minutes March 8, 2018
- Bake Sale—February 26th 10am-1pm for Kate’s Kause
- Made $114—how is it being donated to Kate’s Kause?
- Future Event Ideas
- March Social-REC Grad Headshots?
- Partnering with other two grad associations (Kin, Public Health)
- Photographer—Jon Halpenny
- 3 edited shots and other raw photos
- Charge $10?
- Need to leave funds available for subsequent terms ($700-$800)
- Partnering with other two grad associations (Kin, Public Health)
- GARLS Symposium Social—off campus (location TBD)
- Beertown or McCabes?
- Nameplates—leave it for the Fall and apply for GSI
- Bowling and Pizza Night @ Bingemans? Lazer Tag?
- Paid $272 for lanes and $66 for lanes last semester—Bowling
- $6.25 per person if get 32 people—Lazer Tag
- Welcome to Summer BBQ?
- GARLS Sponsored Lunch?
- Doodle poll with socials and prices—Rebecca to call places
- March Social-REC Grad Headshots?
- GARLS Symposium
- 21 abstracts, 5 posters and the rest presentations
- 6-7 reviewers
- Volunteers for day of?
- GSA—April update? Does Symposium information need to be included?
- Webmaster—need someone
- Lunch and Learn—Wednesday March 14, 2018
- Kim Lopez