RLS GARLS Features


The Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS) is continuously seeking opportunities to showcase the work of graduate students on our social media platforms. Currently, there is one campaign being run to showcase graduate students and their work.

The #GARLSFeature social media campaign is run by the RLS Social Media Assistant, and intends to showcase the diverse range of graduate-level scholars in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. These features can focus on student’s academic achievements and areas of interest or their experience at Waterloo more broadly. We are interested in both your research and student life at UWaterloo!

Visit our Instagram page to view existing #GARLSFeature posts.

Eligibility criteria

All students in any of the following programs are eligible to participate:

  • MA Recreation and Leisure Studies (Thesis)
  • MA Recreation and Leisure Studies (Coursework)
  • PhD Recreation and Leisure Studies
  • PhD Aging, Health and Well-being

Photo instructions

Please complete the form below using lay terms for ease of understanding. Additionally, please attach a photo that meets the following criteria:

  1. 1080 x 1080 px – no text

  2. High resolution

  3. An ‘action shot’ or ‘candid’ photo

See existing #GARLSFeature posts for photo examples.

Selected students will have support from the Department’s Social Media Coordinator in reviewing their text drafts and photo for quality and format before publication.

Please contact garls@uwaterloo.ca should you have any questions. 

Enter your given name.
Enter your surname.
MA Recreation and Leisure Studies (Thesis), MA Recreation and Leisure Studies (Coursework), PhD Recreation and Leisure Studies, PhD Aging, Health and Well-being
e.g., first, second, fourth
Graduate Advisor's first and last name (if applicable)
Explain your topic in one sentence, if applicable. (e.g., This month’s #ThesisThursday feature is Somkene Igboanugo’s PhD, exploring the biological embedding of psychosocial stress among firefighters and university faculty.)
Describe your thesis or career goals in 3-4 sentences, if applicable. e.g. for thesis, consider answering the following: a. My research aimed to study... b. I/we used/are using methods a, b. c. I/we found/hope to understand x, y, z. d. The implication(s) of my research (at public health level, for research, policy etc.) are/will be
Comment on your time in RLS. Please share a couple of sentences on your favourite aspects of RLS during your graduate career (ex. learning environment, interaction with faculty, personal experiences, a memory, etc.)
Please share a little bit about what motivated you to pursue your area of research/graduate studies.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about yourself? (e.g., unique experiences, interesting pathway to graduate studies, career plans, a booking you’re reading and recommend, something you’re doing in the community, etc.)
Please upload up to two photos of yourself.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.