GARLS Meeting January 2018

GARLS minutes January 12, 2018

  1. Welcome Back
  2. Attendance
    1. Rebecca, Brooke, Lara, Bryan, Manju, Ally
  3. Updates from Members 
    1. Lunch and Learn
      1. Conference Abstract Workshop (January 10, 2018) with Jirina from WCC
        1. 7 in attendance
      2. Future Lunch and Learns (have representative from four areas—tourism, therapeutic, sport, leisure)
        1. Potentially Skype representatives in if not from Waterloo
      3. Posters for future Lunch and Learns
    2. GARLS Symposium
      1. Call sent out for abstracts through listserv
      2. Online registration and online form for reviewing the articles
      3. 25th anniversary-theme
      4. Recruit
        1. Volunteer coordinator-Manju & Gemma
        2. Social/food coordinator-Ally
        3. Review coordinator-?
        4. Fundraising coordinator or fundraiser on behalf of Symposium-?
      5. Twitter will be up and running soon
    3. Budget
      1. Need to balance budget for Symposium
    4. GSA
      1. Cannabis on campus: what are your thoughts?
      2. Committee vacancies:

University-level Committee

Committee Information (if available)

Space Information Advisory Group

Provost’s Committee on Timetabling

Library Renovation Committee

Food Advisory Board

If you are interested in sitting on any of the vacant committees, please send a statement of interest, which outlines your experience with the committee’s material, to the Chair of the Council at Please copy the RLS Councillor, on the email.


i. 19 OGS (this is one less than last year) up for AHS grad

ii. 50% based on grad enrollment and 50% on scholarship success on that.

iii. So basically, if we get more scholarships as a group then we can get more in our competition numbers.

iv. Harassment and discrimination training available online through LEARN

v. Applying for a PhD next year? Look into the Deans Scholarship

vi. GradTALKS-probably not until next April

f. Website

i. Get bios of Committee up on the Website

ii. Follow what is on current website

iii. Headshot by Michelle Douglas Mills (Media Coordinator-AHS) Email:

4. Graduate Social Events

a. On campus

b. Small socials

i. Skate at CIF-January (Wednesday January 24 or Thursday January 25)

c. Survey to be sent out to recgrads listserv

i. Email from Engineering Grad Committee for a formal in March

5. Fundraising Event

a. For Symposium—provide gift for speakers—raffle tickets

b. Charitable fundraiser - February - bake sale (February 26th)

c. Sadie's Place for Innovative Inclusion

d. Kidsport

6. RLS Clothing

a. Survey to determine interest