Postdoctoral scholar guidelines

Postdoctoral scholars, who are highly skilled employees with doctoral degrees aiming to further develop their expertise for future independent research careers inside or outside academia, form a unique employee category at the University of Waterloo.

The postdoc guidelines support this definition by ensuring postdoc positions provide transitionary training and professional development of recent PhDs.

The guidelines ensure all postdoc appointments, regardless of funding source, meet requirements for a minimum salary and minimum contract length. Additionally, the postdoc guidelines, and oversight of these guidelines by Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), ensure the University complies with requirements set out by the Tri-Agencies1 and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. 

If you are interested in obtaining a research-based position but are not eligible for a postdoc position based on the below guidelines (e.g. you received your PhD more than five years ago), you may still be eligible for employment at the University of Waterloo under a different employee category. We recommend inquiring with potential supervisors if they may be hiring Research Associates or if they may be interested in hosting you as a visiting scholar

If you have questions about the guidelines, please contact the GSPA postdoc team.  


The University of Waterloo postdoctoral scholar guidelines outline the  

Definition of a postdoctoral scholar 

University of Waterloo postdoctoral scholars engage in a variety of research and professional development activities to expand their career opportunities and research programs. The purpose of a postdoctoral appointment is to acquire additional skills and expertise that help facilitate the transition from PhD student to an independent career primarily in research, whether in academia, the broader public sector, or the private sector. 

To support professional development, postdoctoral scholars may act as a co-supervisor for master’s students (with approval from the Graduate Officer) or sit on PhD and master’s student’s advisory committees, as outlined in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.  

Postdoctoral scholars are supervised by a University of Waterloo faculty member for a definite (temporary, time-limited) term. In collaboration with a University of Waterloo faculty member, the postdoctoral scholar engages in activities that will further their professional development and advance their career. Postdocs may have co-supervisors. Faculty members who serve as sole supervisors of postdocs at the time of the faculty member's retirement may continue to serve in that role post-retirement, with the approval of the Faculty’s dean and at the discretion of the postdoctoral scholar. Faculty members who are retired at the time of a postdoc's initial appointment may not serve as a sole supervisor.   

The University’s definition of postdoctoral scholars will not be adapted to accommodate postdoctoral scholar definitions of external organizations (e.g. funding agencies, foreign governments). 

Eligibility criteria

For all postdoctoral scholar appointments (see categories below), the following eligibility criteria must be met:  

  • Candidates must provide proof that all PhD degree requirements have been met before the start date of their postdoctoral appointment. 
  • Candidates must have received their PhD or equivalent degree (e.g. DSc) not more than 5 years (60 months) prior to an appointment start date.  
    • Exceptions to the window of eligibility can be extended by a cumulative maximum of three years (36 months) if the candidate had their academic career interrupted for one or more of the following reasons: 
      • Maternity/pregnancy and/or parental leave 
      • Illness 
      • Health-related family responsibilities 
      • Mandatory military service 
      • Attention to matters of cultural or community significance 
      • Disruptions due to war, civil conflicts and/or natural disasters in a country of residence 
    • Exceptions to the window of eligibility may also be approved to honor a postdoctoral contract that was made at another institution, where the supervisor transitions to UWaterloo in the middle of the postdoc’s contract. 
  • Candidates must not be registered in another training program, nor should they hold an ongoing appointment at another institution (e.g. tenure, tenure track, or full-time continuing research associate role).  
  • Those who hold definite term appointments at other institutions or who are registered in another training program may be invited to Waterloo as a visiting scholar

A postdoctoral scholar can be one of three categories below: 

Postdoctoral scholar employee (type A) 

  • Employed by the University of Waterloo  
  • All employment earnings managed through UWaterloo payroll (examples include postdocs funded in full by supervisor, Tri-Agency postdocs, and/or postdocs supported by institutional funds)  
  • Receives benefits (extended health, dental, pension, long term disability, life insurance) and benefits payable during leaves of absences based on eligibility criteria aligned with postdoctoral appointment duration  

Postdoctoral scholar employee (type B) 

  • Employed by the University of Waterloo  
  • Partial employment earnings managed through UWaterloo payroll, with the remainder provided directly to the postdoc by an external funding source (examples include international postdoctoral fellowships, such as the Walter Benjamin Programme or China Scholarship Council) 
  • Receives benefits (extended health, dental, pension, long term disability, life insurance) and benefits payable during leaves of absences based on eligibility criteria aligned with postdoctoral appointment duration and the portion of the salary paid through UWaterloo  

Postdoctoral scholar associate  

  • Not an employee of the University of Waterloo 
  • Full employment earnings provided to the postdoc directly from an external funding source (examples include international postdoctoral fellowships, such as the Watler Benjamin Programme or China Scholarship Council)  
  • Not eligible for benefits (extended health, dental, pension, long term disability, life insurance) nor benefits payable during leaves of absences regardless of postdoctoral appointment duration 

Appointment principles and standards 

  • The maximum length of a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Waterloo is three years, as long as eligibility criteria are met (as above). Subsequent appointments may be offered, provided the eligibility criteria continue to be met.  
    • If the end date of a postdoctoral appointment is beyond five years from the date the candidate received their PhD, a note must be added to the employment agreement clarifying that no further postdoctoral appointments will be offered. 
  • The minimum initial appointment length is one year for international scholars who do not make Canada their primary residence at the time of offer.  
  • The minimum initial appointment length is three months for Canadian scholars and for international scholars who recently degree completed from a Canadian designated learning institution (DLI) or who have recently completed a postdoc at a Canadian DLI and made Canada their primary residence at the time of offer. 
  • Postdoctoral appointments must be full-time appointments (i.e., 35 hours per week) unless prior approval for an exemption to this guideline is received by the department/school from GSPA staff. Exceptions will typically only be granted when a part-time contract is in the best interest of the postdoc. 
  • Effective September 1, 20242, the minimum postdoctoral salary for all new postdoctoral appointments is $45,000 CAD per year, regardless of funding source (e.g., internal or external funding).  
    • If external funding is being used to meet the minimum funding, the postdoc must provide proof of funding before an appointment letter is issued. 
  • Effective September 1, 2024, all postdoc appointments, including postdoctoral scholar associates, must use the University of Waterloo approved postdoc employment agreement and be approved by the faculty dean, with a copy to GSPA. 
  • Any exceptions to the guidelines must be approved by GSPA.  

1The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) are referred to collectively as the Tri-Agencies. 

2Appointments issued prior to September 1, 2024 must align with the previous minimum salary of $30,121 

Questions about the guidelines can be sent to the GSPA postdoc team.  

Guidelines effective August 1, 2024.