The University of Waterloo encourages faculty and staff to invite international scholars to our university. Using the checklists and procedures below, in conjunction with the services provided by Legal and Immigration Services, will ensure your visitor has a positive experience during their visit to our institution and our country.
Prospective Waterloo hosts are strongly encouraged to check with their administrative support staff to confirm what, if any, faculty or unit-specific requirements are in place to manage Visiting Scholar invitations and documentation.
Foreign visitor checklist
All University of Waterloo hosts are required to complete and submit the Foreign Visitor Checklist to Frances Hannigan, Assistant Director, Immigration & Visa Services.
Non-faculty appointment documentation
In addition to the Foreign Visitor Checklist, the prospective Waterloo host must also submit a Non-Faculty Appointment Form along with supporting documentation outlined by the host department for review by Frances Hannigan.
Visitor reference chart
Prospective Waterloo hosts and Visiting Scholars may refer to the Visitor Reference Chart to better understand the permits and paperwork required depending on the nature of the visitor’s affiliation to their home institution and the University of Waterloo and the nature of their proposed visit.
Letter of appointment
A number of faculties have additional procedural conditions at this stage and require the prospective Waterloo host to engage with a designated staff person (typically housed within the Dean's Office) to complete these procedural steps. Review of the appointment includes appropriate wording for immigration requirements to be used in the Letter of Appointment. The final draft of the Letter of Appointment requires the Dean’s signature and once signed can be forwarded to the prospective Visiting Scholar.
There are two versions of the letter depending on the duration of stay. For visits of six days or longer, the Letter of Appointment is required, which is typically produced and provided through the host department's Dean's Office. If not provided by the Dean's Office, please connect with Fran Hannigan for a link to the appropriate Letter of Appointment to be used. For visits of 5 days or less, the Guest Speaker Letter can be used.
Visitor pre-arrival checklist
Waterloo International and Legal & Immigration Services have compiled a list of useful information and a list of Pre-Arrival Information for Foreign Nationals for hosts to provide for their visiting guests.