In a one page single-spaced letter applicants should detail how they meet the criteria stated. Submit your letter to Kate Steiner, Church Music & Worship Program Director.
John Ford and Winston Harrison were active members of the Warden Woods Mennonite Church in Toronto. Ford and Harrison promoted sacred music through choral conducting, singing, teaching and adjudicating. The Church has acted to use a bequest to establish an award commemorating Ford and Harrison’s interest in Church Music at the College.
By creating the award the Church is simply extending the spiritual and financial bounty in a way which honours this language of the sacred and also Ford and Harrison.
Proceeds from this endowment will be awarded to qualified students for expenses as part of the Church Music and Worship program at the College. These expenses can be related to tuition or to enrichment activities related to the area of Church Music and Worship (i.e. workshops, seminars offered off campus).
About the Award
This award is to memorialise the contribution of John Ford and Winston Harrison and their promotion and support of Church Music - especially in conjunction with their contributions to Warden Woods Mennonite Church, their home congregation in Toronto.
The award is given to:
- Students pursuing a Music Honours or Joint Honours degree.
- Students Enrolled in one of the Church Music and Worship programs (Minor, Option, Specialization).
- Students who demonstrate a passion for vocal music, choral music, congregation song, or choral conducting.
- Students who contribute to the music program of the College.
Amount: One award of approximately $1,500.