The Karin and Werner O. Packull award was established to encourage historical research by young scholars in the field of Reformation radicalism and dissent.
Werner O. Packull taught history at Conrad Grebel University College from 1983 until 2003. He joined the faculty upon the urging of former president Rod Sawatsky to teach Reformation history and pursue Anabaptist studies. Packull’s research concerned itself among other things with the diversity of Anabaptist beginnings in South Germany (Hesse) and Moravia. He belonged to the revisionists who challenged the views of what had become known as the Bender school of Evangelical Anabaptism, thereby contributing to a better understanding of the multi-faceted nature of Anabaptism. His book Hutterite Beginnings has become a classic among present-day Hutterites.
The award honours his wife Karin who steadfastly supported his endeavours and achievements.
About the Award
This award supports and promotes Anabaptist studies among students at Conrad Grebel and/or the University of Waterloo.
This award will be given to:
- Students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies at Grebel (grad students in History at Waterloo or in the MTS program at Grebel).
- Student who quality for OSOTF funding through the Ontario Student Assistance program.
- Students enrolled in a course that deals with Anabaptist studies generally, but with priority given to courses in History.
- Students who demonstrate an interest in Anabaptist studies and who have excellent potential in Anabaptist research.
Amount: One award of approximately $1,800.
Please apply using the form respective to your program.