As a University of Waterloo Engineering graduate and a Conrad Grebel alumnus, Edward Penner (’86) and his wife Judy wanted to develop an award that recognized both areas. “Waterloo is a university with a great Engineering program and this will provide support for someone pursuing such a future. Grebel is also a great place, with a unique and positive culture,” reflected Edward. “This award recognizes a student who contributes to Grebel, continuing to foster the culture we all value. Grebel is clearly a fantastic place to be while gaining an exceptional university education, and this award supports both those endeavours. I think it’s important to contribute to the people and places that helped develop us and prepare us for life ahead.”
Named “The Marpeck Leadership Award,” this generous gift to Grebel will be used to retain upper year students in the residence or apartments. Engineers comprise about 20% of Grebel’s residential study body in any given term. They are gifted students who are full of leadership potential and brilliant ideas. This award money allows us to acknowledge and nurture their potential.
About the Award
To support students who are pursuing an Engineering degree at the University of Waterloo and who have an aptitude for and experience in leadership at the College.
The award is given to:
- Students who are pursuing an Engineering degree at the University of Waterloo.
- Students who hold an upcoming one or two term contract for a residence or apartment space.
- Students who demonstrate a commitment to the residence program and have demonstrated leadership abilities or potential to take on formal or informal leadership roles.
Amount: Two awards of approximately $1000.