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Noppen, L. ., & Trepanier, P. . (1984). La rue Richelieu \ a Chambly, un environnement architectural. Unknown.
Noppen, L. ., & Gariepy, G. . (1984). Un petit tour dans le faubourg: Itin\ eraire culturel du faubourg Saint-Jean de Qu\ ebec. Qu\ ebec.
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Noppen, L. ., & Villeneuve, R. . (1984). Le tr\ esor du Grand Siècle, L\textquoterightart et l\textquoterightarchitecture du XVIIe siècle \ a Qu\ ebec. Qu\ ebec: Mus\ ee du Qu\ ebec.
Coffey, B. . (1984). The Canadian Inventory of Historica Buildings as a Basis for House-Type Classification: An Example from Southern Ontario. Canadian Geographer, 28. (Original work published 1984)
Noppen, L. . (1984). L\textquoterightart religieux au Qu\ ebec. Unknown.
Noble, A. G. (1984). Wood, Brick, and Stone: The North American Settlement Landscape. Amherst: University of Massachusettes Press.
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