Research Inventory

This site is presented by the Heritage Resources Centre (HRC), University of Waterloo. It is a “work-in-progress” database highlighting research of existing heritage sites in Canada.

The site is searchable, interactive and flexible. You may search by author, keyword, reference type (book, article etc.) or all fields. You are invited to contribute annotations or commentaries on the titles you find and are encouraged to tell us about new information that you feel should appear here. New titles and annotations received from users will be added to the database.

While currently there are non-Canadian titles included the eventual goal is for the site to provide primarily Canadian sources that are not easily found on other databases. Such as the U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation, or the Getty Institute. You may follow the links on those sites to find the material they provide.

The work you see here is a result of the combined effort involving several players. The Heritage Canada Foundation (HCF) has been a forum over many years for discussions on the education in heritage. Since its 2007 conference in Edmonton, the HCF has sponsored a Roundtable on heritage education. There has been an ongoing effort to coordinate heritage education activity across the country. The University of Waterloo’s Heritage Resources Centre took the responsibility of assembling the research inventory or database. In this effort the HRC has been supported by funding from the Canadian Forum for Public Research on Heritage a SSHRC Strategic Cluster Project administered by L’Institut du Patrimoin, University of Quebec at Montreal.

You can proceed to search the database.