(2004). Case Law, Zoning - ZN. O. MI. 2004.3.29. Unknown. (Original work published 2004)
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Gill, R. . (2004). Managing change considering the relevance of place identity for planning in British Columbia\textquoterights communities in transition: An applied research case. Waterloo, Ont.: University of Waterloo, [School of Planning].
Jameson, J. H. (2004). The reconstructed past: Reconstructions in the public interpretation of archaeology and history. Walnut Creek, CA; Oxford: AltaMira Press.
(2004). Case Law, Designation - DS. B. LO. 2004.04.02. Unknown. (Original work published 2004)
Analytics, S. . (2004). Heritage Marketing Project. Perceptions, Attitudes and Behviours: Provincial Survey - Summary Report. Unknown. (Original work published 2004)
Morisset, L. K., & Noppen, L. . (2004). \guillemotleft Le touriste et l\textquoterighturbaniste : deuxième partie \guillemotright. Unknown, 23, 61-64. (Original work published 2004)
Palang, H. ., & Fry, G. . (2003). Landscape interfaces: Cultural heritage in changing landscapes. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Gatehouse, J. . (2003). Prince Edward County, Ont.: Life\textquoterights a beach, with history. Maclean\textquoterights. (Original work published 2003)
(2003). Case Law, Committee of Adjustment - CA. O. TO. 2003.02.03. Unknown. (Original work published 2003)