Starting date: May 2011
Email: silhan@uwaterloo.ca
Research title
Design and optimization of corona rings
Project description
Insulator strings are equipped with corona rings to minimize corona discharges and radio/TV interferences. Corona rings are also designed to requlate the field distribution along the string and to protect the insulator from direct power arcs. In this project, corona rings will be designed for 380 kV Turkish national power transmission System by 3D simulations under ac and transient voltages.
High Voltage Engineering Laboratory (HVEL) from my perspective
HVEL is a state of the art research facility in the field of high voltage engineering and material science. Laboratory is equipped with best equipment and provides opportunity to students use some of the best simulation and modelling softwares. I can use COMSOL simulation software for 3D ac and transient field simulations. I can also use Electrostatic voltmeter to verify the simulation results. Overall it's a complete research facility which has motivated me to join HVEL.