Starting date: May 2010
Email: patelutkarsh87@gmail.com
Research title
Analysis of the power system harmonics impact on the stress grading layer of the cable termination
Project description
There is a potential presence of amplified harmonic components in the power network grid when the resonant frequencies align with the harmonic frequencies that are being injected by power electronic components of the distributed generation (DG). The threat of an unacceptable total harmonic distortion (THD) could significantly enhance the electrical stresses on the insulation system of the power system components including cable terminations. The overall aim of the project is to conduct the ageing analysis of the cable termination under distorted voltage waveform and evaluate the termination insulation quality. Diagnostic techniques such as partial discharge detection, surface potential distribution measurements, surface temperature monitoring, and loss factor measurements serves to analyze the termination insulation. Simulation using COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5 is conducted for verification of the experimental results.
High Voltage Engineering Laboratory (HVEL) from my perspective
My primary motivation for joining the HVEL is my sixth four-month co-operative term at the HVEL as an undergraduate research associate. The short experience I gained working with the research students, lab instructor, and supervisor was unique, challenging, and exciting at the same time. A glimpse into the research and HVEL graduate student life was enough motivation to join the HVEL team as a master student. The research facility is fantastic especially for the insulation study. The diagnostic tools that I have used on a regular basis for my research work are PD detector, tan delta bridge, electrostatic voltmeter, IR camera, impedance analyzer, and electrometer.