Fall 2020 Viritual Symposium Presentations

Dear IPR-Student,

As you are aware, the covid pandemic led us to cancel the physical version of the IPR Symposium which was originally scheduled on May 6th. As it seems very unlikely that large gatherings of ~100 attendees will be allowed in the near future, the IPR will organize instead a virtual version of the IPR Symposium on Wednesday September 2nd, 2020, tentatively from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This time should allow us to go over the thirteen (13) 5 min- and nine (9) 20 min-presentations that were scheduled in the original symposium, but could be expanded if more presenters come forward. Only student presenters will be included in this virtual symposium which will use the MS Teams platform. Beside the IPR community from UW, the symposium will also be opened to outside industry members who will be able to attend your presentations remotely and ask questions.

Since several months have gone by, those of you who had already submitted their abstract can upload an updated abstract of your presentation on the link provided below.

New presenters and those presenters who had not submitted their abstract yet can also use the link provided below to submit their abstract.

We look forward to welcoming you and listening to your presentations on September 2nd.

Please discuss with your supervisor your participation in one of the different venues.  We would encourage all graduate students to participate either via an oral (20- or 5- minute long)

1)      Please submit the titles for your talks/posters no later than July 1st

2)Please submit the abstract for your 20 minute presentation and PPT for your 5 minute presentation by August 1st for our Book of

          Abstract to upload

2)      Please submit your PPT presentation no later than August 21st to upload

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.