Fall 2021

The University of Waterloo continues to implement plans and protocols (listed on the Covid-19 website) to safely restart campus activities, following public health advice and best practices. We will update this site with relevant information should changes to teaching and learning protocols occur.

For designing and implementing courses in uncertain times the CTE teaching tip sheet on Resilient Course Design provides a framework for a course that is less susceptible to disruption to such things as the need to move partially or entirely remote again. The strategies for remote teaching section provides useful reminders to consider for both yourself and your students in whatever mode you are teaching this fall and CTE's Early Engagement Quick Tips have been updated to help get your term off to a good start.

View the recording of the Teaching Online and On-Campus Courses Concurrently instructor experience webinar on YouTube.

Which tool should I use for synchronous teaching?

Visit the Tool Comparison for synchronous teaching on our Open Repository to evaluate options.

Registrar's Office Details for Fall 2021

Login to the Registrar Resources for Staff and Faculty site to find:

  • Classroom safety guidelines
  • Course scheduling options and definitions for the proposed methods of instruction: In-person; Online and remote; and Blended
  • Covid 19 classroom and lab management guidelines

Information for undergraduates

Information for graduate students 

Classroom Technology in Registrar Controlled Rooms

Please check to see what technology options will be available in your classroom, particularly if you are planning on live streaming or recording.

Registrar rooms in use Fall 2021 

Training videos are being developed but it is advisable to book an introductory session in your room by contacting eclass@uwaterloo.ca

Collaborative Technologies/Systems – hardware and software systems found within E-Classrooms that allow instructors to host remote participants attending via a video conferencing platform. Not all rooms providing collaborative technologies on campus have the same equipment or capabilities. Collaborative technologies will fall into one of these three categories:

  • Premium – classrooms include a USB camera and mic system that is adjustable via the Crestron Touch panel. Instructors can share the camera image, the projector image (content) or a split screen of both to the remote participants attending via video conference. Preset camera positions can focus on any of the white/black boards, podium close-up, or wide angle.
  • Mini – classrooms include a USB camera and mic system that is independent of the Crestron Touch panel. These systems will not allow users to share the projector image or split screen. Content (slides, computer image etc) can be shared to remote participants through screen sharing within the software or positioning the camera to show the in-class screens.
  • Basic – classrooms do not include a USB camera. A record line-out (3.5mm aux connector) is available to connect to a computer. All audio sent to the classroom loudspeakers (including the microphone) will be shared to remote participants attending via video conferencing software. Most devices will require a USB audio adapter. Users can use an integrated camera on their laptop to share video.

Please note: Podium fobs will not be required for Fall 2021

Library Support for Fall 2021

Course Reserves

Requests for the fall term are now being accepted via their request page and will continue to be electronic only. If you would like assistance finding electronic resources for your course, please contact yoursubject librarianto arrange a consultation

Library staff ensure that posted material is copyright compliant and accessible. Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. For material that requires copyright clearance, several weeks may be needed to obtain permission or licensing.

Questions about course reserves can be emailed tolibreser@uwaterloo.ca.

Visit their Covid 19 Updates page to see their most recent information.