Haiyan Liu

Haiyan Liu
Haiyan is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Economics at the University of Waterloo. Her primary interests lie in the intersection of environmental and energy economics, climate change and environmental policy. In her doctoral dissertation, Haiyan used varied statistical and econometric modelling techniques to study public perception of the externalities of energy development in the United States. She previously earned her master's degree in Agricultural Economics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and in Agribusiness and Applied Economics at North Dakota State University, where she researched agricultural marketing and consumer economics. 

Haiyan is part of work package 4 for Lake Futures, responsible for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of BMPs in the Great Lakes watersheds, and quantifying and valuing the main ecosystem services affected by water quality changes in the Canadian portion of the Great Lakes Basin. Special attention will be paid to the relevant spatial and temporal aspects of the economic values, including their transferability across watersheds and the temporal stability.

Curriculum Vitae

Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 30014

Office: PHY 3013

Email: h445liu@uwaterloo.ca

Advisory Committee

Dr. Roy Brouwer, University of Waterloo