L3 transitions to the Social Acquisition Institute INCUBATION
The Legacy Leadership Lab is proud to announce the release of its Final Report and its transition to the Social Acquisition Institute INCUBATION.
The Legacy Leadership Lab is proud to announce the release of its Final Report and its transition to the Social Acquisition Institute INCUBATION.
We spoke with Daphne March, the founder of a wellness center called Shamasha in St. John’s, Newfoundland, which aims to provide a space for mental well-being for people with addictions.
We spoke with Elizabeth McRae about her work in Commercial Ventures, Village Wellth, her experience as a L3 Activation member and how the three intersect towards the larger goal of building systems to support social acquisition.
* click here for the French version.
After over 18-months of hard work, the Legacy Leadership Lab will conclude its first iteration as a leader in social acquisition research and design at the end of April.
This interview is part one of a series of interviews with& L3 Community members in the Activation stream. The L3 Community is a fast-evolving group of stakeholders that are involved in designing, delivering, or supporting products, services, and initiatives that will enable social acquisitions in their own communities and contexts. Members in the Community’s Activation stream aim raise interest around Canada in building systemic support for social acquisitions and social p
Join as a guest at the L3 BUILD workshop!
Registration is now open for guests to join the Legacy Leadership Lab’s highly anticipated BUILD workshop December 8 and 10!
Every single one of Canada’s 1.3m small businesses are facing challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and every single owner has a story to tell about surviving and sometimes even thriving through the challenge.
This fall, L3 met virtually with four Canadian entrepreneurs and produced this video to share the stories of history, family, dedication and perseverance at the heart of every Canadian small business.
Click the image if you'd like to watch the video update instead.