The Design Stream can be seen as the successor of the original workshop series. The Design Stream will support the development of initiatives (be they products, services, processes, or programs) that contribute to building systemic support for social purpose conversions and social acquisitions. The Stream is composed of design groups, each with their own focus area, going through a guided design process at their own pace. Our team at the Legacy Leadership Lab will be supporting each design group with activities and research, but the ideation, prototyping, and piloting processes ultimately rest with the members of each group.
After collectively doing some system sensemaking in earlier workshops, we arrived at opportunity areas for intervening in the overlapping small business, social finance, and social and co-operative enterprise systems. We were able to plant the seeds of some initial design groups around some these opportunity areas during the Atlantic Online Workshop. We also had several members present initiatives they were already working on; these can also become part of the design stream should a group form around one of those initiatives.
People who are looking to contribute to building initiatives should participate in the Design Stream, in one or multiple design groups. There are a few different reasons you might want to be involved: 1) if you or your organization would like to develop an initiative; 2) if you feel like you have valuable expertise to contribute to a group; or 3) if you would like to be involved in prototyping, testing, or remixing an initiative.
This is how L3 will help members of the Design Stream:
- design activities and create activity templates to bring them through an innovation process
- run workshops to build design skills and for working groups to work more closely with L3 from L3 designers
- have an L3 point person for each working group, who checks in with the group and keeps them on track. The point person might facilitate some processes with the working group too. The point person also asks what support the group needs
- connect appropriate people into the working group
- provide new and updated knowledge products to inform your innovation process.
To join an existing Design Group or initiate a new Group, request a 20-minute consultation.