Thursday Peace Talks with Patty Dorsey and Cindy MacRae

Thursday, February 6, 2014 12:10 pm - 1:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Patty Dorsey will be giving a presentation about her internship, accompanied by Cindy MacRae, a volunteer with MCC Circle of Friends.

Patty is an MPACS student who did her internship with MCC Circle of Friends program. This program supports women and their children transition from Mary's Place, an emergency shelter at the YWCA in downtown Kitchener, back into the Kitchener-Waterloo community. Circles are small groups of 2-3 female volunteers and 1 woman from Mary's place, and help to create a network of support for the woman in her life as they meet each week for a couple of hours.

Patty will be accompanied by Cindy MacRae, a volunteer with MCC Circle of Friends. 

Come out to hear Rachel talk about her experience at our Thursday Peace Talk. Bring your lunch!