Conflict Skills Professional Development

As a student in the MPACS program, you will have a unique opportunity to include professional skills development workshops toward your degree requirements by completing relevant workshops in conjunction with academic study through the course PACS 626 Conflict Resolution Skills Training.

Conflict Management Certificate Program

Based in Conrad Grebel University College, the Conflict Management Certificate Program offers skills-based conflict management training for practitioners, professionals, and students. The workshops offered are a popular choice for MPACS students See the Conflict Management and Mediation Certificate webpage for a full list and descriptions of workshops. Popular workshops for students include:

  • Transformative Mediation
  • Peacemaking Circles Training
  • Transforming Power, Prejudice, and Privilege
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Culture, Diversity, and Conflict Management
  • Conflict Coaching Skills
  • Effective Communication Tools: Negotiation and Challenging Conversations
  • Transforming Group Dynamics

External Workshops

You may also propose to take skills development workshops offered through credible training organizations in conjunction with the course PACS 626. Department approval is required for external workshops. Some examples of external workshop agencies include: