Bertha Von Suttner: A Life of Peace Concert and Exhibit

Dr. Yasmin Saikia is the Hardt-Nickachos Chair in Peace Studies and Professor of History at the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University.
Jamie Swift, co-author of Warrior Nation: Rebranding Canada in an Age of Anxiety.
Canada's Vimy Ridge war memorial features the statue "Breaking of the Sword." Has this peace message been eclipsed by a glorious, birth-of-a-nation war story? How can we commemorate the tragedy of World War I by emphasizing peace?
The Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Environment will be hosting a joint graduate information reception to provide students the opportunity to learn more about our programs.
The reception will begin at 4:30pm with three keynote speakers:
The Peace and Conflict Studies program is pleased to welcome you to a special brown bag lunchtime discussion with Paul Rogers on the topic of “Peace Research in a Turbulent World” on Wednesday, November 7th from 12:00-1:30pm in Conrad Grebel University College, room 2202.
MPACS students are planning to participate in a global climate strike on September 27, 2019, 10:00am-2:00pm. At 10:00am, you can meet up with fellow concerned citizens and climate activists at the Arts Quad and then proceed to Waterloo Town Square.
UPDATE: This event has been cancelled as of March 13, 2020. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Celebrate the launch of Peace is Everyone's Business, with presentations by Lowell Ewert, Fred Bird, and a few collaborators during this virtual event. Afterwards, ask the editors and authors your questions during a Q&A segment.