Family and friends of John and Louise Miller recently established a new award for Master of Peace and Conflict Studies students as a way to honour the couple’s impact at Grebel and beyond.
John Miller died on December 2, 2017. He joined the College faculty in 1969, teaching Religious Studies courses for 23 years, with a focus on the Old Testament. He believed that Old Testament principles concerning peace provided hope for the world by supporting the development of systems of fairness and justice.
In that spirit the newly-established award is called the “John and Louise Miller Hope for the World Fund.”
Louise Miller, John’s wife for 65 years until her death on February 12, 2015, supported John throughout his teaching career by hosting students and faculty colleagues in their home, and by reviewing and editing many of John’s books and manuscripts.
Earnings from this endowed fund will be used to support students enrolled in the MPACS program who demonstrate an interest in exploring ideas of peace and religion in their studies. Priority will be given to international students, since they must pay significantly more tuition, and those incurring costs for an internship as part of their program.
Alumni and other friends are invited to add their support to this fund. Contact Fred W. Martin at fwmartin@uwaterloo.ca or
519-885-0220 x24381.