Call for Proposals: Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference

Monday, June 22, 2015

Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference

Global Mennonite Peacebuilding logo and Conrad Grebel University College logo

Call for Proposals

Global Mennonite Peacebuilding
A Conference and Festival

June 9-12, 2016
Conrad Grebel University College
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Mennonites are known across the globe for their historic peace positions and, more recently, for proactive conflict transformation and peacebuilding activity.  This conference and festival will bring together academics, practitioners, artists, and church workers from around the world, to dialogue and reflect on Mennonite peacebuilding accomplishments, failures, challenges, and opportunities in varied international settings, past and present. Its purpose is: to explore traditions and contemporary expressions of Anabaptist/Mennonite peace beliefs and practices; to bring together academics and practitioners to learn from each other; to give expression to peacebuilding ideals through the arts; to assess and re-envision Mennonite peacebuilding practise.

The planners encourage proposals that situate specific subjects within the framework of global Mennonite peacebuilding. Topics and themes might include: restorative justice; conscientious objection; women’s rights; biblical/theological perspectives; questions of power; nonviolent direct action; grassroots and other peacebuilding initiatives; inter-faith and inter-ethnic dialogue; indigenous and race relations; creation care; peace education; domestic and sexual violence; queering peace; historical case studies; peace in the arts; community-building; conflict sensitive economic development; or identity-based conflict. This list is meant to be exemplary and not exhaustive. Other topics or themes that foreground peacebuilding from a Mennonite perspective are also welcome.

This Call invites submissions for the following:

Individual proposals: 20-minute paper presentations on topics relevant to the conference, which will be placed into thematic sessions by the organizers.

Paper panels: An organized session of 3-4 paper presentations on a theme relevant to the conference.

Artistic contributions: Proposals for the presentation of the visual, literary, and performing arts.

Workshops: Informal and interactive sessions of 1.5 hours that emphasize networking, brainstorming, conversation or training on a topic relevant to the conference.

Your submission should be a brief description (250 word per individual presenter) of your proposal, as well as a one-page (or less) CV or biographical detail.

WHO CAN SUBMIT: academics, artists, practitioners, church workers, students, activists, etc.

HOW: Please submit your proposal by email in PDF or Word to:

The priority deadline for submissions is October 1, 2015. The final deadline for submissions is December 1, 2015.

Funding: Some funding support may be available for participants. Individuals whose proposals are included on the program are encouraged to seek support from their church, community, or institutional constituencies. Information about financial support will be forthcoming.

Language: The primary language of the conference and festival will be English. Some translation/interpretation may be available.

Logistics: Conrad Grebel University College is located one hour from Canada’s largest airport, Toronto Pearson International, and is accessible by car, train, and bus. Limited accommodation is available at the College and on the University of Waterloo campus. Information regarding travel, accommodation, and registration will be on the conference website at a future date.

Conrad Grebel Organizing Committee: Marlene Epp, Reina Neufeldt, Jeremy Bergen, Derek Suderman, Paul Heidebrecht, Lowell Ewert, Trevor Bechtel, Fred Martin.

Advisory Group:
Christina Asheervadam, Director of Center for Peace & Conflict Resolution Studies, Mennonite Brethren Centenary Bible College (India)

Ray Dirks, Curator, Mennonite Heritage Centre Gallery (Canada)

Fernando Enns, Professor of Peace Theology and Ethics, VU University Amsterdam; University of Hamburg (Netherlands/Germany)

Alain Epp Weaver, Director of Strategic Planning, Mennonite Central Committee (U.S.)

John Paul Lederach, Professor of International Peacebuilding, University of Notre Dame (U.S.)

Lisa Schirch, Director of Human Security, Alliance for Peacebuilding (U.S.)

Jack Suderman, Secretary, Mennonite World Conference Peace Commission (Canada)

Sarah Thompson, Executive Director, Christian Peacemaker Teams (U.S.)

Hildi Froese Tiessen, Professor Emerita, Conrad Grebel University College (Canada)

Paulus Widjaja, Chair, Mennonite World Conference Peace Commission (Indonesia)

Conrad Grebel University College is a liberal arts college founded by the Mennonite church and affiliated with the University of Waterloo. The mission and programs of Grebel are rooted in and inspired by its Christian identity and its Anabaptist/Mennonite heritage. Conrad Grebel offers undergraduate, graduate, and community education programs in peace & conflict studies, music, theological and religious studies, and Mennonite studies. It hosts and directs the Mennonite Savings and Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement.

Questions can be directed to organizing committee co-chairs:
Dr. Marlene Epp or Dr. Reina Neufeldt

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