Featured at Grebel
Map the System 2020
Registration Deadline: February 5, 2020
The Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement at Conrad Grebel University College is pleased to be facilitating UWaterloo’s participation in the global Map the System challenge. Organized by Oxford University’s Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Map the System is a systems thinking competition that challenges students to deepen their understanding of complex social and environmental problems
PACS 398 credit for MAP the System Projects
2020 Latin American Film Festival Presents: Delicate Balance
When: February 5, 6:30pm
Where: KPL Main Branch, 85 Queen St. Kitchener
Free Admission
Centered around an extensive interview with Jose “Pepe” Mujica, the former President of Uruguay who gained notoriety on the world stage as a rare politician: one that lives according to the ideas and principles he preaches, Delicate Balance is a contemplative essay on the everyday reality of globalization.
Spanish with English subtitles, 81 min.
Learn more about the Latin American Film Festival here.
Public Lecture: Social Practices of Rule-Making for International Law in the Cyber Domain
When: February 6, 12:30-2pm
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs, room 1-42
Free Admission
Speaker Mark Raymond (@MRaymondonIR) is the Wick Cary Assistant Professor of International Security and Director of the Cyber Governance and Policy Center at the University of Oklahoma. He is an External Affiliate of the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University, and a Fellow with the Center for Democracy and Technology, and was previously a Carnegie Fellow at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He has served as a senior advisor to the United States Cyberspace Solarium Commission, testified before the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development, and participated in the UN Internet Governance Forum. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto.
Cold War Legacies: Canada as a Racial Capitalist Democracy as Discursively Traced in the Debates on the Memorial to Victims of Communism
When: February 13, 12-1:30pm
Where: International Migration Research Centre, Laurier University
What image does the Canadian nation reassert of itself in its current national identity project? Dr. Ngo argues that through the lens of racial capitalism and Cold War epistemology, Canada’s national identity is forged by conflating democracy to capitalism and in contrast with communism. In this lecture, she will briefly highlight the major events associated with the memorial and related public debates, which reveal a discursive construction of, first, racial belonging in Canada, and second, racial capitalism that is embedded within Canada’s identity of “progressive democracy” (free, humanitarian, peacekeeping) through the conflation of democracy with capitalism.
Call for Papers
Click here to acess PDF document of Upcoming Conferences you may be Interested in Attending |
(Re)settlement: Making Place, Making Space
Social Justice Studies Second Annual Graduate Student Summit
Summit Dates: May 1-3, 2020
Where: Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Early Bird Deadline (may be eligible for funding): January 22, 2020
Final Deadline: February 15, 2020
Conference format:
Individual papers or presentations of 20-minute duration, complete panels, or group presentations should be submitted by final deadline. Submissions for special workshops and non-traditional presentations related to (re)settlement, place, and space are welcome.
Individual proposals should include a 300-word summary and a short bibliography by January 15, 2020 (early bird submission potentially eligible for funding) or February 15, 2020 .
For panels or group presentations, please submit a 500 word abstract along with a short biography of each participant. Please include any tech/AV requirements in your submission.
Future Security Challenges Facing Canada: Vital Insights from Women in International Security
Women in International Security (WIIS) - Canada
Conference Dates: May 7-8, 2020
Where: Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, Toronto, Ontario
Submission Deadline: February 24, 2020
Women in International Security (WIIS) - Canada is seeking graduate research papers for its annual workshop in Toronto. We invite women graduate students working in the field of security, broadly defined, to leverage their existing research into short, policy-oriented papers that showcase how their work is important to Canada and the world.
Selected applicants will receive outstanding professional development and networking opportunities with leading firms, recruiters, and members of the defence and security industry.* The best papers will also be invited into a special issue of International Journal.
Jobs and Opportunities
Volunteers Needed for CISV: Children's International Summer Villages
When: Summer 2020
Where: Various National and International Destinations Available
Applications Due: ASAP interviews are conducting in January and February
CISV is recruiting leaders (ages 21+) for their Village, Interchange, and Step up programs. Leaders are trained by their National Training Program, as well as a local leadership trainer. Prior to traveling, the leaders meet with their traveling delegates every Wednesday from April 1 - June 10th7-9pm at JF Carmichael School, Kitchener. In September leaders attend a Welcome Back party with the delegates and present to our community about their experience.
Visit the website to learn more here.
Summer Job Postings: Growing Hope Farm
When: Full time Wednesday - Saturday, April to August 2020
Where: Growing Hope Farm, Cambridge, Ontario
Application Deadline: February 7, 2020
Beginning April 2020, Growing Hope Farm has three positions available which would be perfect for a student.
Please click 'read more' below to be taken to their website where you will find a complete job description.
Read more here.
Internship Opportunity: BTS Human Rights and Community Development
Webinar Info session: Feb 27 at 7pm (details TBD)
Application Deadline: March 23, 2020
BTS is looking to recruit a team of 4-6 cooperants to support the work of BTS Guatemalan partners. Through this program, BTS hopes to strengthen solidarity and presence on the ground in Guatemala and, in particular, increase their capacity to respond to volunteer requests by out partners in a timely manner.
Upcoming Courses
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict Free Online Course
When: February 13- April 1, 2020
The online course begins on Tuesday, February 13, 2020, and ends on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. ICNC is looking for 50 highly motivated participants with educational and/or practical experience in the field of civil resistance and nonviolent movements and organizing who can bring energy, lived experience and intellectual investment to this participant-driven course.
Summer School: Social Movements and Cooperation in Brazil
When: May 4-25, 2020
Where: Brazil
This course will combine experiential, research and writing components. Students will live with families on MST settlements and observe and participate in MST agricultural work, meetings, political and cultural events. A segment of the course will also take place at the MST’s Florestan Fernandes National School and will include meetings with the MST’s national staff. There will also be meetings with other social movements and unions (e.g., Via Campesina, the “Sem Teto” or “Homeless Movement”, etc.).
Students will complete preparatory research assignments prior to traveling to Brazil, participate in and lead group meetings, seminars and tutorials in Brazil, and complete a follow-up research paper.
More information can be found on their facebook page by clicking here.
External Scholarships and Awards
International Experience Awards - Spring Term Travel
Application Deadline: March 15, 2020
Several international experience award funds are available to University of Waterloo graduate students who participate in: an academic exchange, a study term related to their research (field work) or an academic requirement (placement), work, or volunteer experience. Award selection is based on a variety of factors such as academic achievement, financial need, length, location, nature of experience and whether it is an applicants first time traveling to a destination etc. Only one application is required in order to be considered for any of the International Experience Awards.
More information on specific awards can be found below.
David Johnston International Experience Award.
UW International Experience Awards.
Notes and Additional Resources
UW Relay for Life 2020
When: April 3-4, 7pm-7am
Where: TBD
Relay for Life (RFL) is a Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) fundraising event held annually at the University of Waterloo. The event takes place from 7pm-7am, signifying a patient's long battle with cancer. It includes continuous walking, mixed with fun activities and performances, all surrounding the important message that together we can fight back against cancer. RFL also involves a luminary ceremony, where participants are able to reflect on loved ones who have passed on or have won their battle by decorating a luminary that will be lit in memory of or in honour of their loved one.
Anyone with a connection to Waterloo is invited to register for the event as a participant as an individual or create a team with their friends to fundraise.
Learn more and register here. Centre for Career Action: Interviewing Effectively Workshop
When: Monday. January 27, 1:30-3:30pm
In this interactive workshop, you’ll practice translating academic language to industry language, apply strategies for answering interview questions and evaluate the effectiveness of responses to interview questions.
Learn more here. Counselling Services
Counselling Services strives to help you lead a healthy and balanced life. They provide a secure, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students. Counselling Services provides individual appointments, seminars and workshops, peer support, and online help for those in need of support and guidance.
Click here to be directed to their home page.