Featured at Grebel
PACS Networking and Job Search Skills Workshop
When: March 20, 3pm
Where: CGR room 4224
The Centre for Career Action will be facilitating this workshop on networking and career search skills. This is great opportunity to refine your ability to make connections with professionals and practitioners in the field of peace and conflict studies. Graduate studies is about more than just academic work; it's also a chance to connect and collaborate with people who will be key to securing a career after school.
This workshop will be approximately 90 minutes long
Please Register here
MPACS Research Colloquiums
When: March 13, 10-11am
Where: CGR room 2201
Sydnee Belford will be presenting "Fleeing Alone: Analysis of International Law as it Pertains to Refugee Children" (PACS 620)
Abina Nimalraj will be presenting "The Aftermath of Sri Lanka's Civil War" (PACS 603)
Public Lecture: Future Directions and Current Challenges of Arabic Language Educational Reform in France
When: March 11, 4pm
Where: PAS 2083
Prof. Chantal Tetreault is a linguistic and cultural anthropologist whose scholarship focuses on issues of migration and social change in France. Her past research has addressed the interactional styles whereby French adolescents of Algerian descent construct and express their emergent identities as Arab Muslims and French youth. This research is showcased in her 2015 book, a cultural and linguistic ethnography entitled Transcultural Teens: Performing Youth Identities in French Cités.
No registration required, all welcome! Learn more here
Public Lecture: Thinking Itself is Dangerous
When: March 19, 7pm
Where: CIGI Auditorium (67 Erb st. W)
The Waterloo Centre for German Studies (WCGS) has invited the Assistant Director of the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College, Samantha Rose Hill, to give the annual Grimm Lecture. Hill knows Arendt's work inside and out. Hannah Arendt was a Jewish German who came of age during the Weimar Republic. With the rise of the Nazis she had to flee Germany, settling eventually in America. After the Second World War, she made her mark writing about totalitarianism: why it became so dominant in the 20th century and how to combat it.
Funding is available to those who wish to attend any conference, please contact Seth for more details.
Call for Abstracts
Deadline: April 1
Cardoza Law School in NY is calling for abstracts that aim “to drive discussions of public international law, including international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international criminal law, into conversations, in the U.S. in particular, on national security issues and situations of armed conflict. The organizers are particularly interested in discussing scholarship and ideas that seeks to bridge partisan political divides while addressing both the law and national interests. The workshop will provide an opportunity for authors to have their works in progress critiqued by established experts in the field of IHL, and will provide a networking opportunity for participants. The organizers ask only for papers that that have not yet been accepted for publication.”
Notre Dame Student Peace Conference
When: April 3-4
Attendance Registration Closes: March 28
Where: Notre Dame Indiana
The Notre Dame Student Peace Conference is an annual student conference organized by students for students to provide space for dialogue on important issues related to peacebuilding, justice, and conflict transformation. Sponsored by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, the theme this year is 2020 Visions: Where Do We Go From Here? This is a great conference for networking with other students and scholars.
Click here to register to attend
Jobs and Opportunities
Job Opportunities at The Ripple Effect Education (TREE)
Applications close: March 27
TREE is hiring two different types of positions on their Facilitation Team, Lead Facilitators (start date in May) and Workshop Facilitators (start date in September).
Job descriptions and applications can be found here
Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) 2020/2021 Internship
Applications due: March 31!
Start date: September 7, 2020
Each year CPJ's public justice internship program provides one recent university graduate with the opportunity to explore the meaning of public justice. For one year, from September to August, the intern assists CPJ in our work at our Ottawa office. The intern works with senior staff and is actively engaged in a variety of work, including research, policy analysis, framing public policy options, presenting to Parliament, meeting with MPs and political staff, as well as engaging the media, leaders in society, CPJ members and the Canadian public.
Click here to learn more and apply.
Volunteer Camp Counselor
When: August 16-22
The Teresa Group is looking for camp counselors for their summer camp which runs August 16-22. The Teresa Group is an organization which supports families living and affected by HIV/AIDS. This would be a great opportunity for students who are looking to gain experience working with children aged 9-17.
To request an application and more details about this opportunity, call the Teresa Group at 416-598-7703 or click here to send an email.
International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality (ICAS) Coordinator
Part- time Contract March 2020- June 2021
Grebel is hiring an International Conference on Ageing & Spirituality (ICAS) Coordinator. This person will help Jane Kuepfer pull together this conference, which is being hosted at Grebel in June 2021.
Internship Opportunity: Ecotrust Canada's North Coast Innovation Lab
When: May-August 2020
Where: Prince Rupert, BC
Ecotrust Canada's North Coast Innovation lab (NCIL) is hiring four interns for May- August 2020 in Prince Rupert, BC. The NCIL is a community-based social innovation lab — or in other words, a “space” or “container” for innovative, collaborative, community development ideas, projects and conversations. This initiative brings people with different backgrounds, cultures, and professions together to share perspectives in an effort to understand the conditions required for a vibrant, inclusive and sustainable northern community. By applying the concepts of social innovation to contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic resiliency of Prince Rupert, the NCIL works on ground-level initiatives to drive systems-level awareness of how to facilitate inclusive community economic development.
Click here to learn more
Upcoming Courses
Leadership Seminar: How to Be a Fearless Leader Without Years of Experience
When: March 13, 9am-4pm
Where: Laurier Students Public Interest Research Group (LSPIRG) office
During the FREE one day workshop, students will learn to identify their ideal leadership role and lifelong goals.
Click here to learn more and register
Universidad de los Andes Four Week Summer Course
When: June 30-July 27, 2020
Application Deadline: March 31, 2020
Where: Bogotá, Columbia
Cost: $3,038USD (includes housing, breakfast, academic tuition, course related cultural and academic excursions)
This is an exciting opportunity for students to improve their Spanish language skills while learning about Colombia’s cultural and political context in an upcoming 2020 Summer course: Colombia: A Glance into the History of Peace and Conflict through Biodiversity, Culture & the Arts. In this interdisciplinary course, students will take Spanish lessons in the morning and explore Colombia’s history, culture and natural environment in afternoon sessions.
Students are not required to have a minimum level of Spanish.
Summer School: Social Movements and Cooperation in Brazil
When: May 4-25, 2020
Where: Brazil
This course will combine experiential, research and writing components. Students will live with families on MST settlements and observe and participate in MST agricultural work, meetings, political and cultural events. A segment of the course will also take place at the MST’s Florestan Fernandes National School and will include meetings with the MST’s national staff. There will also be meetings with other social movements and unions (e.g., Via Campesina, the “Sem Teto” or “Homeless Movement”, etc.).
Students will complete preparatory research assignments prior to traveling to Brazil, participate in and lead group meetings, seminars and tutorials in Brazil, and complete a follow-up research paper.
More information is available on the program Facebook page
Networking in Academia (Grad/Postdocs)
When: March 18, 1:30-3:30pm
In this workshop, we will explore networking basics in academia and learn how to maximize the opportunities to engage in networking events and practices that will benefit your career. We will focus on networking at academic and professional conferences, work search strategies to increase your network and effective social media uses to actively engage with those in your network and more widely share your accomplishments.
Please register for the below workshops via WaterlooWorks. Instructions on how to register can be found here.
Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI)
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis up to one week before the beginning of SPI. Applicants should apply early.
SPI is offering courses which will help you analyzea the past and present of the world around us,uncover social injustice occuring in our communities, and give you the skills necessary to move your family, your work, and your community into a more peaceful and just future for all.
Please click here to learn more.
Notes and Additional Resources
Centre for Career Action: Interviewing Effectively Workshop
When: Monday. January 27, 1:30-3:30pm
In this interactive workshop, you’ll practice translating academic language to industry language, apply strategies for answering interview questions and evaluate the effectiveness of responses to interview questions.
Counselling Services
Counselling Services strives to help you lead a healthy and balanced life. They provide a secure, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students. Counselling Services provides individual appointments, seminars and workshops, peer support, and online help for those in need of support and guidance.