Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Thursday Talk with Jean de Dieu Basabose
When: October 24, 12-1pm
Where: Grebel Cafeteria
Come have lunch with Jean de Dieu Basabose, a Rwandan peacebuilder who co-founded Shalom Educating for Peace, a peace education organization. This is an informal opportunity to chat with a professional in the field of peacebuilding.
Bring your own lunch OR purchase from Grebel Cafeteria
Bring your own lunch OR purchase from Grebel Cafeteria
PEGASUS IV: Call for Abstracts
Submission Closes: October 25, 2019
Conference: April 24-26, 2020
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs
Submission Closes: October 25, 2019
Conference: April 24-26, 2020
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs
PEGASUS is a three-day conference that aims to advance awareness and understanding of Peace, Global Health and Sustainability. You are invited to submit an abstract to present a paper, poster, or workshop. Your submission could address any global health topic but preferably relate directly to the conference themes- Migration, Climate Change, Sustainable Development or address at least one of the sub-themes.
Read More about the conference here.
Sally Weaver Award Guest Lecture: Intellectual Activism in Anthropology
When: November 1, 12:00pm
Where: Arts Lecture Hall room 124
Cost: Free
Where: Arts Lecture Hall room 124
Cost: Free
Join the Department of Anthropology for the 2019 Sally Weaver Guest Lecture with Guest speaker Dr. Thurka Sangaramoorthy (Associate Professor at the University of Maryland).
The lecture, titled Intellectual Activism in Anthropology, will discuss how anthropologists are utilizing their expertise to better inform policy and practice and contribute to social action.
Read more here.
Student Mental Health Forum hosted by the Committee on Student Mental Health (CoSMH)
When: November 6, 1:30pm - 2:15
Where: Federation Hall - Main Hall
When: November 6, 1:30pm - 2:15
Where: Federation Hall - Main Hall
Learn how the Committee on Student Mental Health (CoSMH) has been implementing the President's Advisory Committee on Student Mental Health (PAC-SMH) recommendations.
Register Here
If you are unable to attend in person the event will be available on livestream.
TD Walter Bean Lecture in Environment by Dr. Jacqueline McGlade
When: November 6, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Humanities Theater, Hagey Hall
Cost: Free
In this provocative talk, world-renowned scientist and professor Jacqueline McGlade will explore how we can create "collaborative ecosystems" to help people and their environments to flourish. Pushing UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 to the forefront, Dr. McGlade explores how we can revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development.
Please Register for this Lecture here.
Red Cross: International Humanitarian Law in Action Conference
When: November 12, 9am-5pm
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs room 1-42
When: November 12, 9am-5pm
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs room 1-42
The Red Cross is hosting a conference which will explore the role that International Humanitarian Law plays in dealing with contemporary challenges to the protection of civilians in the situation of armed conflict.
The opening address will be given by David Crane, founding prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
Lunch will be provided. For more information click here to read more.
Centre for Peace Advancement Launch Reception for The Cultural Life of Drones: KW Dialogues
When: November 14, 7pm
Where: CGR Gallery
When: November 14, 7pm
Where: CGR Gallery
Join the Centre for Peace Advancement for a reception celebrating the upcoming Grebel Gallery Exhibit, The Cultural Life of Drones: KW Drone Dialogues by Sara Matthews.
In this multi-media exhibition, Sara Matthews explores the vocabularies and social practices associated with drones in the Kitchener-Waterloo region and aims to create dialogue about their use.
Please register here.
In this multi-media exhibition, Sara Matthews explores the vocabularies and social practices associated with drones in the Kitchener-Waterloo region and aims to create dialogue about their use.
Please register here.
Disclaimer: Events and opportunities above are not all endorsed by the PACS department; this bulletin includes opportunities that we think PACS students may be interested in but are not sponsored by PACS. Please use your own discretion to determine if an opportunity is right for you. If you have any questions regarding the above content please contact: |