First Steps in CECA Reforms based on Student Demand

Friday, April 21, 2017

The Department of Co-operative Education & Career Action (CECA) formally responded yesterday evening to the Science Student Government censure as a follow-up to the recent meeting between the Science Board and CECA representatives. The Censure was predicated on vehement student concerns over organisational transparency, lack of student feedback reporting methods (based on a lack of student trust existing systems), and financial disclosure concerns. The CECA has recognised student concerns and vowed to implement swift changes to some of their practices for their resolution. 

Franco Solimano (Co-op Student Experience Manager) and Rocco Fondacaro (Director of Student & Faculty Relations) wrote to thank the Board Speaker Seneca Velling and President Vaishnavy Gupta of the Science Society for a productive meeting in moving forward to address student concerns. Mr Solimano highlighted, that "we are all working towards the same goal here (student success!)" and that CECA "is excited to engage co-op students to work together to address concerns [sic]." 

The CECA expressed appreciation for the feedback shared from the Science Society regarding online CECA polling recently conducted. As was noted before, the CECA has many on-going reform efforts and is rolling out new methods to strengthen their relationship with students and increase student understanding of the organisation. 

The letter of response highlighted a few key areas where the CECA is already making headway. As Mr Solimano notes, "there is already a number of existing... projects and new initiatives [the result of discussion with the student government] that [CECA] believe[s] will help" improve collaboration with students. These include:

  • Strengthening the relationship with the Faculty Student societies and Federation of Students beyond the existing Co-operative Education Council & Co-operative Student's Council. The CECA noted that while the FEDS-CECA relationship has always been strong, they want to strengthen communication with the more local levels of student government (faculty).
  • Implementing new Co-op 2.0 Initiatives which students have been very involved in already. 
  • Following through on incoming FEDS VP Education, Andrew Clubine's campaign promise for a Deep-Dive into the 4.9% increase in student co-op fees. The CECA has identified the need for improving transparency regarding finances. They have tasked a working group to investigate fee increases and current student fee structure to begin a deep-dive at the end of April. 
  • The CECA has also agreed to "strategically enhance" their current "feedback mechanisms... to broaden and deepen dialogue with students on many important issues." This is targeted to improve feedback mechanisms over the next year by reviewing current feedback from students and addressing student demand for anonymous reporting of concerns. 
  • A Rate-my-workterm feature is being implemented immediately for the end of each work term which will ask students to answer questions and provide information about their term anonymously. This change has been developed in close partnernship with the Science Society to remedy discontent in the existing reporting methods.

Mr Salimano expressed enthusiasm for the future "collaboration... to improve student outreach... and engagement" at Waterloo. The Science Society is very confident of reforms being made and looks forward to working closely with CECA representatives in the future to continue to improve co-operative education for Waterloo students.

Data from the online polling will be made available as soon as possible. The Science Society Board has agreed not to release data until the CECA and Faculty has more time to review this information.

Letter from the CECA

The MNS Society will continue to release updated information from the Science Society as we receive it. We thank the CECA for being receptive and keen to address student concerns.